Monday, February 24, 2014

Journal 10: March 24, 1997 through October 2, 1997 Frist three pages are simple ink sketches of Carrot Island, NC March 24, 1997 A strong wind's blowing at my vback as I sit facing the south lookng across to Shackleford? Last night Diane and I took a ferry ride out of Beaufort to watch the partial lunar eclipse. About 30 people whre on the ferry billed as a lundar eclipse/fishing outing. Scott fromt he Maritime Museum gave3 an intro to lunar eclipse talk at the museum before we headed out. "ASCENDING NODE" is what sticks in the spaces of my brain. That's why we don't have a lunar eclipse every time we see a full moon. the moon revolves around the earth it's orbit making a plane which varies over time. He gave an excellent demo of the moving plane with his arms as a plane wobbling around the earth. An interesting guy. He's recently finished a Master's working with Hans Pearl at U.N.C. Morehead. His thesis project looking at the effect of flow (?) on the ability of blue green algae to fix nitrogen. "Heterocysts" the cells in which anoxic conditions are maintained allowing nitrogen fixation N2 to NO3 to occur. Apparently, using a special chamber, he was able to quantify th type and velocity of flow around the heterocysts and was able to whow that ? certain flows (non-laminar) were enough to break the heterocysts. Overall these blue-green algae aren't found in open waters which would be subject to waves.

1 comment:

  1. Last entry for Journal 10

    August 17, 1997

    Sitting on a rock off the front room of Dan and Jenn's house in the rolling hills of Hudson Valley. The Taconic parkway is quiet on this early morning as the sun colors the clods which reach across to the eastern horizon, pink, orange.

    Jenn and Dan have been trying to sell their early 1900s Sears kit home since Spring or Summer a year ago. No offers in all that time.

    A light breeze blows across me as I sit in the morning light. An older man walks his older dog along the road in the front of the house. He stops to blow his nose. His dog stops to smell and lift his leg. They both stand and stare then turn across the road and slowly walk back. Now I see he has a cane. From this distance I can see that it's shiny - possibly chrome.

    My focused view goes from the man walking on the road and his dog who now disappears behind the painted wall which forms the boundary of the roof/deck I'm sitting on, to the wall with its white paint lifting and peeling, little cracks stretched along each board look like the spreading centers at the ocean's centrs seen on maps of the world. In front of me a railing w/ turned posts (correct name escapes me?) allows a view of two long narrow fields and fence rows overgrown w/ visitors from many years ago who have decided to sty and grow into 20 to 30' trees (who's identity I can't discern from this distance.) At the southeastern corner of the eastern field are six rolls of hay (or is it straw?)

    The garage here is a beautiful building and I'm intrigued by the possiblity of lifting its lines for a house that I've been imagining I'd like to build.

    Sketches of house w/ 20' x 24' footprint.

    Interesting thoughts. Collect some info on land, materials, prices.

    Morning clouds have been obliterated by the summer.
