Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Working part-time at the East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery in Montauk, beginning late July 1990.

The town had purchased seed shellfish and was growing them in upwellers at the hatchery in Montauk. Water was pumped from Fort Pond Bay 300 yards to the building and into tanks that housed the upwellers. Upwellers are made out of PVC pipe. The first ones we made were 18" in diameter and 18" deep with a screen mesh on the bottom and feet to keep the screen off the bottom of the tank. Shellfish were placed on the screen in the upweller. Water flowing into the tank moved up through and past the shellfish, exiting at the top side through a fitting that went through the side of the tank. Thus shellfish were able to filter algae out of the water moving past them to grow.

Upwellers needed to be bumped at the beginning and end of the day to dissipate air bubbles that often formed on the bottom side of the screen. If upwellers weren't bumped and air built up, water coming in to the tank would not flow up through the upweller and out the side. Instead the upwellers would float and the water level in the tank would rise until it overflowed the top of the tank containing the upwellers.

Winds from the northwest also effecting upweller efficiency due to the hatchery's location on Fort Pond Bay, a large bay with long fetch to the northwest. After most low pressure systems moved through the area, high pressure systems, with strong northwest winds often followed causing large waves to break on the beach where seawater intake lines were located. Algae and other detritus stirred up by wave action would also clog the bottom of the upwellers, requiring seawater to the tanks to be stopped, the tanks drained and hosed down to remove the built up algae and detritus.

At this time we were also building the various components needed for larval shellfish culture. We made tables that conicals, 100 gallon, cylindrical tanks, would be placed in to grow the larval shellfish after they were spawned. We repurposed over 24 cylindrical 100 gallon, fiberglass tanks that we got from a defunct oyster aquaculture business that had used them to store lime, what they used to control starfish (sea stars) on their oyster leases. The tanks had a conical shaped bottom. We cut the bottom few inches off the tanks, then made a jig of a funnel to lay fiberglass around the bottom so we could place a hole at the bottom of the conical that could be plugged with a cork. A hole in the center of the cork allowed us to supply air into the bottom of the conical. When the conical was filled with seawater, air coming up from the bottom of the conical kept water, larvae and algae, that we grew and fed the larvae, circulating.

Since I was employed as a part-time contractor, I kept track of the hours I worked and the work I did. This record allowed me to complete accurate time sheets to be paid for my work.

The following are some abbreviations I used in my work descriptions:
UPW - upweller
BP - Bumped, as in bumping upwellers.
SK- Skimmed, the settling pond where water leaving the hatchery went before going through pipes,
        300 yards to a final settling pond landward of the beach at Fort Pond Bay. Nutrients in the water
        caused several species of green macroalgae to grow in the pond. Eventually the algae would die
        and become foul smelling so we skimmed the algae off on a regular basis to let it dry in the sun.
PD - settling pond described above.
B.C.T. - building conical table. We built 8 tables. Each table held three conicals. After building
              the tables we covered them with several coats of coal tar to keep them from rotting.
A.M/P.M. T. - Recording incoming water temperature in A.M. and P.M.


7/30/90 12:00/5:00  12-2  SKPD. Afternoon temp, BPUPW

7/31/90 8:30/6:15   12-1 SK PD, Separated nailed boards, BCT, moved UPW tanks, w/ JA, (John Aldred) BPUW

8/1/90  8:00/11:30  SK PD, BP UPW, BCT

8/2/90  8:00/7:30  3:30-4:00  SK PD, BP UPW, BCT, worked on 5 hp pump w/ JA, Cleaned UPW, measured clams and distributed w/ JA and ST (Sue Talay).

8/3/90  9:30/5:00 1:30 - 2:00. BP UPW, moved cinder blocks (used to support upwellers, we hadn't built tables for upweller tanks yet), set up cleaning table, Put core samples into T.T. Cleaned up pipes in conical area.

8/4/90  1:00/2:00 Cut 2 pieces wood, BPUPW, SK PD.

8/5/90  12:30/3:30 BP UPW, Cut wood for 2 conical tables, weeded front loading dock.

8/6/90 8:15/5:30, 1:30 - 2:30, SK PD, BP UPW, Filled out Civil Service Packet, went to Town Hall, Bluff Rd., Riverhead Bldg. Worked w/ Rick (Salter) in p.m. Southampton Lumber for 2 x 4's and carriage bolts. Cut angled pieces for conical tables. Picked up A.C. (for algae room) from P.C. Richard's in Southampton, BP UPW. P.M. T 


  1. August 2, 1990

    She looks like a beautiful day.

    Yesterday I was able to divert my inner yaking by triming branches around the house and generally cleaning up around the place. The afternoon flew by and the talkng seemed a little less. This was a good way of getting my mind of nagging. Granted, some was gong on, and rather sharply at that, as I quickly sawed branches and hauled them to their resting place.

    Roaring along just fine. Now it looks to be as if I've hit bottom. Some summer cold has just pounced upon me. My head is a container filled with clear liquid. The liquid seeks holes in the container and runs out; sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly in a burst. My throat is raspy and sore. The loft above Jen and Tom's room (Tom Darling, Jennifer's younger borther was living at the house during the summer with Gary and Jenn.) is warm now and when I turn a fan on to cool it off dust gets kicked up and aggravates my already overflowing container of clear running liquid. A trip (bicycling w/ Gary and Aaron Kurtzman, a friend who also graduated in Marine Sciences from Southampton College) to Prince Edward Island is planned for the 20th. I've ben working at my new job for almost a week and tomorrow I'm going in to ask for the week of the 20th off for vacation. Mosquitoes, flies and other winged insects fly to light burning in my loft. Sometimes a crafty mosquito can manage to bite me and fly away. The Nyquil I took to get to sleep has had no effect; I'm still blowing through toilet paper as if I had diarrhea.

    Ah, yes, life. Give it to me. Rain down upon me. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be pulled over for not having a new registration sticker. What new and exciting events await around yonder corner caled tomorrow? There's no running away from here. This is my home!

  2. Friday ? August, 1990

    The sun and leaves made mottled patterns on the sliding glass window. Movement in the air jostles the small white birch leaves and broad green oak leaves.

    I'd like to sit here on this couch facing the window adn watch the changing light and shadows as the morning changes to noon then to afternoon. I'd like to sit here on this couch and liten to the sounds of cars drivng by on their way to distant ports. I'd hear the birds: morning birds, afternoon birds, evening birds. I'd like to sit here on this couch and smell the air as it changes into....

  3. Saturday, August ?, 1990

    The day is over and a psychosis washes over me. Not really the things of life that I had asked to rain down upon me. These mental, emotional things really knock me for a loop. They catch me up so craftily. I'm sent reeling and rolling thinking of ending it all, blah, yak, blah. I'm filled with myself to the outer layer and beyond. I forget to remember the film of observation. That separation to watch mself as if another person.

  4. Sunday, August ?, 1990

    A thougth remembered at the right time can have remarkable results. OBSERVATION is critical. Rowena (one of Sir Lancelot and Lady Guinivere's litter that I adopted from my niece Karen) is wandering around my bed. Now she's off and looking for her hiding place on the little piece of rug behind the empty cardboard box. I hear her clucking sounds as she investigates this corner then another. Now she's examining her cage from the outside. With each step she makes a little sound.

    The virus, or whatever it was, has moved along. I'm left with a headful of mucous and a bit of a cough.

    I asked John abou ttaking a week off and we struck an agreement.

  5. 8/7/90 9:00/6:30. 1:30 - 2:00 Nugent and Potter for PVC elbows, no luck. BP UPW. Cut rest of braces. Installed braces in two conical tables. Assembled one conical table. Installed conical braces in two more tables. BP UPW.

    8/8/90 9:00/5:00 12:00 - 1:00. Finished conical table and installed braces. Morning check and daily maintenance.

    8/9/90 9:00/5:00 12:00 - 1:00. Simple maintenance. Worked on PVC troughs for new uppweller arrangement in morning. Reviewed tidal upwelle construction plans w/ John in p.m. (Tidal upwellers are designed to be moored in the water and can swing to face the tide, using that flow to force water up through upwellers contained in the tidal upweller. A no energy option for upwelling.)

    8/10/90 9:00 -5:00 No lunch. Measured, combined, sieved and redistributed clams w/ John. (Clams were stocked into upwellers at a specific volume. Usually a week later they were removed, volumed, to determine growth, then sieved through various mesh sizes. Sieving shellfish at all phases was used to separate faster growing shellfish from slower growing ones due to limited space in all systems. Typically slower growers were discarded to favor faster growing shellfish.) Simple maintenance.

    8/11/90 11:00/1:00. Simple maintenance. Hoed trough (cement trough running along the north side of the building that received sea water after it had been used in hatchery adn diverted it ot the settling pond, SK PD.

    8/12/90 12:00/ 2:00. Clamped algae racks, simple maintenance, skimmed pond in waders, checked clams and scallps some in lantern nets. (At this time we moved larger clams and bay scallops from the upwellers into trays or lantern nets in the pond. Lantern nets have one theaded side that can be closed so that the bay scallops don't swim away.)

    8/13/90 9:00/5:00 12:30 - 1:30. Cut holes in tops of conical tables w/ Rick (Salter). Sanded cut tops. Simple maintenance. SK PD.

    8/14/90 9:00/5:00 12:15 - 1:15. BP UPW. Levelled conical tables, rearranged upweller cascade system. Work on 2nd pond (near Fort Pond Bay beach.)

    8/15/90 Appointment at L.I.U. - C.W. Post in Brookville, NY a 100 minute one way drive from East Hampton. I had been accepted into an Education Master's program for the Fall term. Fortunately only one of my classes was at C.W. Post. The rest were available at Southampton College. 1:00/6:00 Helped clean up. Worked w/ JA moving junk around. Went to lumber yard. Cut pieces for last conical table. BP UPW.

    8/16/90 9:00/5:30 1:30 -2:30. BP UPW. Measured and sieved Fisher's Island Clams and smaller Shinnecock Clams. (Fisher's Island clams were from Steve Malinowski. The Shinnecock Indians also had a hatchery and we purchased animals from them as well to grow out in out upwellers and early field system.)

    8/17/90 8:30/5:30 1:30 -2:30. BP UPW. Measured (took volume) Vexar (size of sieve) Shinnecock clams. Distributed in pond (in bread trays w/ liners) lower tier and upper tier. Cut larger drain pipe holes. SK PD. w/ JA and ST.

    8/18/90 10:00/6:00 Put legs on one calwall (50 gallon cyclindrical tubes used to grow algae in the algae room) and filled w/ H2O. Put together conical table. Measured adn distributed scallops from lantern nets in pond. Checked lower pond and pump house.


  6. 8/21/90 10:00/5:00 12:30 - 1:00. Cleaned/scrubed screens from nestier trays (what we used to hold larger clams in the pond). Put top on last conical table. Emptied kalwall tube. Simple afternoon maintenance.

    8/22/90 10:00/4:30 Met john at Riverhead Lumber in East Hampton to pic up 4x4's, 2x6's, carriage bolts. Picked up bricks at Southampton Brick and Tile in Wainscott. Took boat out in TMH to check and pick up spat collectors (onion bags filled with onion bags, a buoy at the top and a brick/cinder block at the bottom. These are put out prior to when bay scallop larvae are ready to set as a way of collecting juvenile bay scallops. We were using bricks at that time in the bottom nestier tray of three, nested together. Using the middle tray with a mesh liner inside to put clams on.) Dropped materials and collectors in Montauk. Simple maintenance.

    8/23/90 8:30/6:00 1:30 - 2:00. Made 16 Nestier trays for use in Lake Montauk growout. (As we ran out of room in the pond at the hatchery we decided to put the nestier blocks in an area of Lake Montauk called Stepping Stones.) Helped measure and sieve clams. Cleaned some of the spat collectors. Cleaned lantern nets and vexar liners for Nestier trays. (I think we acquired a large collection of Nestier trays from the defunct oyster aquaculture business on the North Fork.)

    8/24/90 8:30/7:00 1:30 - 2:00. Made 12 more nestier trays for L. Montauk field growout. Helped sieve and measure remainder of clams. Plus helped John fill 12 trays w/ >vexar clams and put into pond.

    8/25/90 9:00/5:00 12:00 - 12:30. Mopped 2 buckets of water from floor in a.m. Emptied cans into dumpster. Moved smaller windows upstairs. Measured forgotten upweller. Filled log book information in from week between clam work. Broke Sue's weedwacker. Started setting up skids for notching (tidal upweller construction) Lunch. Built template for notching. Began end notch at 0" with much difficulty. Simple maintenance.

  7. 8/27/90 9:00/6:00 1:30 - 2:00. Mopped 1 bucket of water from edge of upweller floor. Started working on notch in skid. Volunteer drives up and eventually takes over working on skid notches. I end up helping Rick hang a joist for lights. Generally finding busy work to do while John and volunteer take upweller and design modifications. After stewing through morning and part of afternoon, I clean trough with hoe, scoop pond, and cut weeds with hand scythe. John and I talk upweller after volunteer leaves. Now he and I are doing the upweller.

    Monday, August 27th, 1990

    Once again a return to this journal to gripe, moan and bitch. Doesn't take long to have the newness wear off. The veneer, polish, it all goes so quick. A little less than a month back and it's as if I never left. Here I thought I was in control. No problem. Big man off the voyage with the Smithsonian Institution, you know Washington, D.C. Institution. Need I say more? Need I say less?

    8/28/90 1:15 - 2:00. Bump upwellers, help Rick check continuity in just installed wiring. Begin work with John on upweller after cleanup. Run to lumberyard after lunch to fetch nails and screws for sides and bottom of upweller tank. John in angry mood.

    8/29/90 Wednesday. No work. Went to C.W. Post. (I will take a Scientific Methods class starting in September with Nasrine Adibe, a 60-something year-old Iraqi woman. Very intelligent, funny, cool professor.)

    8/30/90 Thursday 9:00 - 6:00, Lunch 2:30 - 3:00. Measured & sieved clams. Cleaned upwellers/tanks. Simple maintenance.

    8/31/90 Friday 9:00 - 6:00, lunch 2:00 - 3:00. Made 5 more Nestier trays for pond. Put them into pond, filled with clams. Cleaned upwellers, tanks, spat collector. Brushed lantern nets containing scallops. (Algae and invertebrates attach to and grow on any surfaces we put into the water. To insure proper shellfish growth inside whatever we've put out, we have to clean "the gear" periodically to remove these "fouling" organisms.) Scooped pond. Hung hangers for John to inspect and advise.

  8. 9/1/90 Saturday 10:00 - 2:00. Bumped upwellers, temp. Worked on tidal upweller, made lumber list for raft materials.

    9/2/90 thru 9/9/90 I drove with Gary Seff and Aaron Kurtzman to the ferry that took us to Prince Edward Island. We biycled for 5 days camping along the way:
    9/3/90 - 32 km
    9/4/90 - 29 km
    9/5/90 - 66 km
    9/6/90 - 63 km
    9/7/90 - 56 km

    total distance bicycled: 246 km or 153.7 miles.

    I have a map and photos of the trip but no words. Wonderful trip. I was a little bummed/frustrated because Gary chose to share a tent w/ Aaron for the duration of the bicycling trip.

  9. 9/10/90 Monday 9:00 - 4:00 1/2 hr. lunch. Washed down tanks, very silted. Moved boat (30' Great South Bay Clam boat purchased from Pickerell) from TMH to L. Montauk. Checked out site in Stepping Stones for tomorrow's moving clams in trays.

    9/11/90 Tuesday 9:00 - 4:00 1/2 hr. lunch. Picked up 75 bricks in Wainscott. made buoys for perimeter of trays (to mark boundary of trays in Stepping Stones). Scrubbed Nestier trays. Put 12 Nestier trays out in Stepping Stones w/ help from Jeff Havlik (bay constable) and John.

    9/12/90 Wednesday 9:00 - 5:30 1/2 hr. lunch. Pulled 20 trays out of pond, cleaned, put clams in buckets, put trays out in L. Montauk. New thought: put twine on tow sies of vexar in tray. Jenn (Darling) stopped by and helped us deliver clams to L.M.

    9/13/90 Thursday 9:00 - 5:00 1/2 hr. lunch. Met Jeff, Sue and John at Napeague for pictures of clamming. Bluff Rd. then hatchery. Cut out more vexar for trays. Helped Sue clean tanks. Took cut vexar home to make liners for trays.

    9/14/90 Friday 8:30 - 5:30. Assembled 12 more trays for recent vexar clams. Took 17 trays of clams out to L.M.

    9/15/90 Saturday 1:00 - 2:30. Simple maintenance and systems check. Scraped trough to pond. (I am commuting every day from Southampton to Montauk ~ 45 to 60 minutes one way since I began work at the hatchery.)

    9/16/90 Sunday 1:00 - 2:30 Simple maintenance. Systems check. Scrubbed pearl nets.

  10. 9/17/90 Monday 9:00 - 4:00 1 hr. lunch

    9/18/90 Tuesday 9:00 - 4:00 1 hr. lunch. Met at lumber yard. Picked up bolts and 2x4's, 2x8s for upweller. Picked up mooring posts from boat shop. Checked Promised Land area for grow-out site. Washed down silted tanks. Began work on upweller.

    9/19/90 Wednesday 9:00 - 5:00. Work on upweller. 1 hr. lunch.

    9/20/90 Thursday 9:00 - 5:00. Work on upweller w/ J.A. 1 hr. lunch.

    9/21/90 Friday 9:00 - 5:00. Assembled 7 trays of vexar screens. Made 10 more nestier sets. Depolyed trays and new vexar clams into Stepping Stones. Winds from north moved trays at site. Clams all bunched to one side. Not good. Cleaned up shop area.

    9/22/90 Saturday 1:30 - 2:30 Simple maintenance. Systems check.

    9/23/90 Sunday 2:30 - 3:00. simple maintenance. Systems check. (John allowed me to do the weekend checks while I was taking classes during the fall and having to leave a little early three days of the week.)

    9/24/90 Monday 9:00 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch. Work on upweller w/ J.A.

    9/25/90 Tuesday 8:00 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch. Put bricks in cages in L.M. in a.m. Worked on upweller in p.m.

    9/26/90 Wednesday 9:00 - 3:00. 1 hr. lunch. Work on upweller. Setting up remaining trays. Cut vexar from old spat collectors.

    9/27/90 Thursday 9:00 - 1:00. Helped Sue measure clams, cleaned upwellers and tanks. Gave grow-out tour to East Hampton High students.

    9/28/90 Friday. 9:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch. Picked up bricks on way in. Assembled 10 nestier trays. Cleaned upwellers & helped S.T. and J.A. put trays and clams into L.M.

    1. September 22, 1990

      This should be someone's birthday. Anniversarys slip by me, oblivious. not much time to return to the pages for solace. My energy is invested in class and work. this can and will be kept up for the year then I will be able to slow the pace. If I want. Sometimes I enjoy this frenzy of living and doing oh so many things. Then other times I wish it would end. I know this is a temporary situation so I can manage. It will all work out. The film and air space between me and the outside is forever changing. Sometimes the two layers are one in the same. Sometimes they are obvius and distinct.

      September 23, 1990

      I wonder what it would be like to be an old man. The body is willing or able to do what the spirit wants. Perhaps I'll be in a wheel chair in some dessert hacienda. Lizards skulking by in the morning sun. Reds, browns, tans and bright blue sky. No clouds in sight. The shimmering sounds of cicadas filling the air. The adobe walls of my small abode hot from the summer sun infiltrating them.

      There'll be a porch on the north side and it'll offer shade from the sun's harsh rays. Not that my leathery, wrinkled, old skin will notice. Flies will come and go as they please bringing news of man's advance from the north, east, south and west. No children, family or friend will visit. Quiet solitude and death will fill the void. They will be my companions and we will sit arm in arm and watch the sun move across the sky. We will observe the changes of color, the moving shadows. I will become as a rock or tree. I will have no need of food for life's energies and activities around me will nourish.

      Peace will pervade.

  11. 10/3/90 Monday. Helped John remove existing probe ( a piece of PVC with slots in it to allow water to come in but designed to exclude larger items that could clog the pump) on intake line and replaced w/ clean one. Initial scrubbing of removed probe.

    10/4/90 9:00 - 3:00. No lunch. Measured and sieved all clams. Redistributed clams w/ Sue.

    10/5/90 9:00 - 5:00. Worked on panels upstairs. Cut figerglass for six panels. Made frame work for upstairs panel out of cement-covered 2 x 4s. (We were in process of creating a hatchery area for larval culture in conicals and post set culture in 4' x 8' x 1' tanks that could be heated to 80 to 85 F.)

    10/8/90 9:00 - 4:00. Worked on John's cottage. (John hired me to help him renovate a cottage in his backyard so that his 80+ year-old mother could live closer to him, his wife, Gail and their sons, Jessie and Nathan.) Removed nails from one portion of rafters. Put up 2 sheets plywood. Cleaned up scrap wood. Helped nail of rafters for backside of cottage roof.

    10/9/90 9:00 - 4:00. @ Hatchery. Finished up framing upstairs panel. Covered w/ figerglass. Began work on next frame. Used old, cement-covered boards. Helped Rick backflush 3" intake line.

    10/10/90 9:00 - 12:00. Shit day. Too much talk. Started work on doors for algae room.

    10/11/90 Thursday: 9:00 - 6:00. 1 hr. lunch. Measured out clams to be seeded in L.M. and T.M.H. Went to boat in L.M. had to get new battery and fill up w/ diesel. S.T. and D.B. (?) on boat. Went to S.S. to pick up 36 cages. Measured some as they came aboard. Seeded clams out around island. S.T. and I brought cages back in two trips. T.M.H. clams stored in tank F overnight.

    10/12/90 Friday. 9:00 - 4:00. S and I. I worked on cleaning/rinsing trays. Then cleaned a few upwellers. Moved remaining 33 trays in Stepping Stones closer together and tied outside one together.

    1. BILLS: October '89

      Allstate Insurance 10/27/89 - $83.63
      LILCO - Pelham/Mary's Ln. 10/26/89 - $8.00
      Oil - 10/10/89 - $151.35
      N.Y. Telephone - $52.75

  12. 10/15/90 John's Cottage: 6.5 hrs. Shingled west side of roof.

    10/16/90 John's Cottage: 6.5 hrs. Sheathed new valley: east and south side of roof. Applied tar paper, aluminum flashing in valley and began sheathing.

    10/17/90 Wed. 8:00 - 12:00. Didn't work. Observing @ Hampton Bays Junior Senior High School. Library at C.W. Post until evening Scientific Methods class.

    10/18/90 Thursday. 9:00 - 5:00 Cleaned upwellers, tanks, elbows, drain pipes, black trough. All hatchery clams and scallops seeded out because pump not getting enough water due to waves and very strong NW winds. Hooked Tony's (D'Agostino) pump up to intake scren. Finished construction of upstairs removable door.

    10/20/90 Worked at Rick and Maude's (Salters Cottages - 14 cottages on Gardiner's Bay in Springs) 9:00 - 4:15. 15 min. lunch. Scraped windows on ground floor: east , north and west sides.

    10/22/90 Monday. Hatchery. Lifted gear in Stepping Stones. Seeded 9 trays around island. Returned remaining trays to hatchery. (Rick paid check for $49.00)

    10/23/90 Tuesday. Hatchery. Met John and Rick at T.M.H. seeded out clams in Napeague Hbr. Ceaned off trays. (John paid $160.00 for 20 hrs wok on cottage.)

    10/25/90 Thursday. Hatchery. Stored trays in building. Sheathed panel door w/ fiberglass. Put hinges on doors for larval culture room.

    10/26/90 Friday. Salter's: scraped back side of house window trim @ Rick's parent's house. Both floors. Windy, rainy day. 8:30 - 3:45. 15 min. lunch.

    10/27/90 Saturday. Salter's: Raked leaves along fence and hauled them to road. Helped Rick and Ed set up forms for workshop foundation. 8:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    10/29/90 Monday. John's Cottage: Tore off old shingles on cottage porch roof. Took up half of boards (rotten ones). Went to dump and lumber yard. 9:00 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    10/30/90 Tuesday. John's cottage: Laid down plywood on roof, used roofing material at end of roof. Cut and installed rafters. Swept up inside and out. 9:00 - 3:30.

    11/01/90 Thursday. John's cottage: Removed shingles from east side near roof. Installed 6" spacers. Helped sheath the upper roof. Trip to dump. Applied tar paper to sheathed roof. 9:30 - 4:30. John paid me $100 cash.

    11/2/90 Friday. Hatchery: Coal tarred conical stands. Slow day. Worked w/ Chris. 9:00 - 4:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  13. 11/5/90 Hatchery: Coal tarred legs and inside skirts on larval tables w/ John.

    11/6/90 Tuesday Hatchery.

    11/7/90 Wednesday, Hatchery

    11/8/90 Thrusday, Hatchery: Talked about arranging upweller floor space. 7.0 hours

    11/9/90 Friday, Hatchery: Worked on leveling tanks for upwellers. 7.0 hours.

    11/11/90 Sunday, Salter's: Layed out siding in yard, stained siding. Helped put shutters on neighbor's house on Gerard Drive. 7.0 hours.

    11/12/90 Monday, Salter's: Began leaf blowing and tarping from west end of property w/ R and M. 7.0 hours.

    11/13/90 Tuesday, Salter's: Continued leaf blowing, raking, tarping bulk of leaves on remainder of grass-covered areas around cottages w/ R. and M. 7.0 hours.

    11/14/90 Wednesday, Hatchery: Finished work on leveling upweller room tables. 7.0 hours.

    11/15/90 Thursday, Hatchery: Painting full coat of coal tar on conical tables w/ S.T. and J.A. Moved tables back inside. Moved conicals back inside. Emptied plastic barrels and stored beside building. 7.0 hours.

    11/16/90 Friday, Hatchery: Moved tables back into larvae room, leveled up w/ S.T. and J.A. Scribed legs.

  14. 11/19/90 Monday, Hatchery: Cut legs on larval/conical tables. Cleaned up. That's it. 9:00 - 4:15. 1 hr. lunch.

    11/20/90 Tuesday, Hatchery: Digging a trench around pond w/ JA. Cut underlayment felt for pond and spread sand to hold down. Moved Conicals into larval tables. 9:00 - 4:14. 1 hr. lunch.

    Big gap in entries with next one being:

    Dec. 31, 1990: Sanding and puttying conicals. 9:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan. 2, 1991: Hand sanding and puttying conicals. Made roller tables resining inside of conicals. 9:00 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan 3, 1991: John's Cottage - framed southwest window. Removed shingles on outside around window. Installed window in north pead and started first course of shingles. 9:00 - 4:30. 15 min. lunch.

    Jan 4, 1991. John's cottage - Installed window after tar paper flashing rough opening. Shingled peak. 8:30 - 4:15. 45 min lunch/coffee.

    Jan 7, 1991. Monday, Hatchery: Sanding conicals last time. Cleaned out all conicals w/ wet rag, reisining all conicals. 9:15 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan 8, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery: Claened all flamables out of tool room. Made space in tool room. Lit kerosene heater. Resined 9 conicals w/ Rick. Moved next day's set of conicals into lobby. 9:15 - 4:45. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan 9, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery: Moved first set of conicals out of tool room and into lobby. Lit heater. Resined 8 conicals w/ Rick. Reviewed PVC meeds: for upwellers and drainage for 3, 1,000 gallon mass algae culture tanks upstairs w/ John and Rick. cut pieces of wood for putting under edge of 1,000 gallon tanks. 9:30 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan 10, 1991. Thursday, Hatchery: Moved second set of drying conicals back to lobby. Lit heater. Resined 8 conicals w/ John. Made diagram of drainage for 1,000 gallon tanks plus gutter for floor. Began reviewing info on heat exchanger and field grow-out w/ John and Sue. 9:15 - 5:15. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan. 11, 1991. Friday, Hatchery: Moved last set of conicals to lobby w/ Chris' help. Finalized list of PVC needds and reviewed w/ John so he could make purchase order. Discussed and diagramed air lines from compressor in furnace room to conicals, st tanks and mass algae culture tanks. Installed UV light and bar under upper cabinets to provide sterile work space for doing algae transfers. Clean up in lab. Wired 2 flourescent lamps for algae room. 9:15 - 5:15. 1 hr. lunch

  15. Jan. 14, 1991. Monday, Hatchery: Developed P.O. for Hollbrook Plastic Pipe and Vexar information for ADPI P.O. Altered design of drainage for mass algae culture tanks so that each has its own drain. Completed wiring lights except for covers. 9:15 - 5:15. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan 15, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery: Worked w/ Rick on completing supports for mall algae culture tanks. Began assembling gutter for upstairs floor. Glued sections of 4" SDR pipe together for gutter. Finished wiring lights. Moved pilings (2) onto John's truck. Very unproductive day. 9:15 - 3:45. 1 hr. lunch. Carpool w/ Rick from Bluff Rd. (Amagansett)

    Jan 16, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery: Placed "T" in gutter pipe. Talked for 1/2 hr. about Z.B.A. meeting. Began cutting feedlines for inflow to upweller tanks. Removed 3" union/valve. Cut back 4" line to support. Installed 45 degree and Sch 80 PVC length of pipe and attatched 45 degree elbow. Too sort a length. 9:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch. Car pool w/ Jenn to Bluff Rd and Rick to M. (Montauk)

    Jan 17, 1991. Thursday, John's cottage - Ripped off shingles and tar paper on west side of cottage. Nailed off sheathing. Put on new tar papaer. Drizzle off and on in a.m. Kerosene heater going inside. Foud 1/4" ply to use as kick board. Cut down on table saw. First course of white cedar shingles covered by good first course of red cedar shingles. 9:00 - 4:45. 45 min lunch.

    Jan 18, 1991. Friday, John's cottage - Shingling 6 courses up to bottom edges of both windows. 9:00 - 4:30. 30 min. lunch.

  16. Jan 21, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - Martin Luther King Day. Worked by myself modifying manifold for upweller tanks. All cut and ready to be glued together except 3" line which must be drained first. Cut 2" drain lines for mass culture tanks. Got all three set to corner for last straight run. 9:30 - 5:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    Jan 22, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Came in at 11:30 after going to J.F.K and C.W. Post. Continued work on mass culture drain lines. Very cold day. Slow moving. Rick and I fumbling around in each other's way. 11:30 - 5:00. 2 hr. lunch (!).

    Jan 23, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - More work on mass culture drain. Put up headers along decking for supporting air line for southerly row of conicals. Cold, slow-going day. 9:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan. 24, 1991. Thursday, Hatchry - Started arranging 6" drain pipe for upwellers. Began working w/ John to install the 2" airline pipe along truss from furnace room to mass culture tanks. Picked up 2, 16' 2 x 6 to support 1" air line for middle row of conicals. 9:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    Jan 25, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Put 2" line in place. Began drilling holes in wall for straps to secure 1" air line in place. Got 1" airline for north wall. Drilled hole in roof of furnace room for 2" line from compressor. Cut 2" line from end of line along truss to and through hole in furnace room ceiling. Attatched 1" line on north wall to reducing bushing adn 2" "T." Installed 1" line for middle row of conicals. Suspened from 2 x 6's w/ string. 9:30 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch.

  17. Jan. 28, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - After school (Spring semester I student taught, Regents Biology at East Hampton High School and worked at hathery after the school day ended.) Glued up bushing from algae culture tank to "T." Glued remainder of algae culture trank drain lines. Glued 1" airline above a.c.t. and Kalwall area. Glued airline along decking and middle row of conicals. 3:15 - 7:15 p.m.

    Jan. 29, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Finished drilling holes in north wall for airline straps. Glued up airline along north wall and 2" line from ceiling of furnace room to 2" line along truss. Set up one upweller tank drain for John to check out on Wednesday. 3:15 - 7:15.

    Jan. 30, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - talked w/ John about set up of upweller tank drains. Reset drains for all tanks except upper one next to wall on northwest side as per John's instructions. 3:30 - 7:00.

    Jan. 31, 1991. Thursday, Hatchery - didn't work but put in for 4.0 hrs. from extra work last pay period.

    Feb. 1, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Outlined holes on 6" troughs for upweller tanks. Cut out holes in five troughs, except for end hole. Glued end pieces and caps together. 3:45 - 7:45.

  18. February 3, 1991

    I sit on my bed now (several folded blankets on the floor covered w/ sheets and a comforter. I used this set up for my bed while living at 95 Pelham w/ Rich and Gary) The morning sun shines in through the east window. Bo (Boris, a yellow lab that Gary adopted from a neighbor of Jenn's parents in Tuxedo Park, NY) sits on his bed licking the salt and water off his legs from this morning's walk down to the Little Peconic. (Jenn, Gary, Boris, Rowena, and I are now renting a house in a development a short walk from North Sea Harbor and Little Peconic Bay.) The pig (guniea) is wandering around the floor, clucking and nails clicking as she investigates Bo on his bed, then some books by the closet

    Feb. 4, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - Finished end holes. Put troughs in place. Cut down black 2" lines for two sets of tiers. Glued bushing into "T." Took some time to slip piping over elbows and other fittings. 3:30 - 7:30.

    Feb. 6, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - Worked w/ John gluing up manifold for upwellers. Continued cutting black 2" line from manifold to tank and reconfiguring feed into tanks. 3:30 - 7:30.

  19. February 3, 1991 continued...

    ...then back along the bed under the overhanging comforter and blanket.

    The sun was newly risen when we got to the bay. The blue of the bay in the distance, the water rushing out through the inlet from North Sea Harbor to the Little Peconic and the browns of naked oak trees and sleeping marsh lighted by the warm and golden morning sun thrilled me with lite. What a beautiful planet to call home.

    Feb. 7, 1991. Thrusday, Hatchery - Talked w/ John and Rick about location of heat exchanger (used to heat sea water for shellfish and algae culture activities) and plumbing, pumping of water to head tank, mass algae culture tanks, conicals and kalwall tubes. Finish reconfiguring black 2" water feed lines for upwellers. 3:30 - 7:15.

    Feb. 8, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Hung troughs for upwellers. Secured "T"s of 2" line to upweller tanks. Glued up pipes from compressor to ceiling of furnace room. Added plastic straps to 1" airline center row of conicals. Took hinges off south door heading from larval culture to upweller area. Screwed in place. Turned hinges around on the mate. 3:45 - 7:45.

  20. Feb. 11, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - 3.0 hrs.

    Feb. 13, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - 3.0 hrs.

    Feb. 15, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - 3.0 hrs.

    Feb. 19, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Worked on who knows what? Plumbing, maybe, building a ramp to upweller floor. 9:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    Feb. 20, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - More of who knows what? Probably finished up ramp. Started moving larval settling tank around. took apart old growing rack. Modified decking upstirs to accomodate pump. 7.0 hrs.

    Feb. 21, 1991. Thursday, Hatchery - Started making lower tables for larval settling tanks. Talked about piping for head tank and heat exchanger. 7.0 hrs.

    Feb. 22, 1991. Friday, Salter's - Worked on moving pilings and logs from backside of bulkhead. Filled in holes and depressions along backside of bulkheading. Took brush to dump. Moved beds from one cottage to another. Mixed concrete and dug holes for screen around propane tanks. 8.0 hrs.

    (No student teaching this week due to Winter Break.)

  21. Feb. 25, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - Worked on tables for larval settling tanks. Leveled up lower tables. 3.5 hrs.

    Feb. 26, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Started work on upper larval settling tables. 4.5 hrs.

    Feb. 27, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - Finished up upper tables and got stuck trying to figure out how to deal w/ crooked legs. 3.0 hrs.

    February 27, 1991

    Well I thought I got away from myself but again here I am. I can never shut up that dude who keeps following me around and thinking all those negative thoughts.

  22. March 4, 1991. Hatchery - Cut supports for setting shelf for heat exchanger. 3.0 hrs.

    March 5, 1991. Hatchery - Table sieves, general clean-up, painted. 4.5 hrs.

    March 6, 1991. Hatchery - Caulked Conical and Larval rearing floor. 4.0 hrs.

    March 9, 1991. Salter's - Worked on cottages #3,4 and started 8 oiling windows. 7.0 hrs.

    March 11, 1991. Hatchery - Put straps on 2" pipes to head tank. Caulked south edge of upweller floor. 3.5 hrs.

  23. 24 March 1991

    Dad's Birthday. It doesn't stop being his birthday just because he's died. Now he has a death day too. Bill Wilhelm (he married, Evelyn who was Edward Sparrow Hassler, my Dad's Dad's, cousin. She gave me a pocket watch when I graduated from high school that belonged to her father Jacob Hassler) has a death day too, March 23rd, 1991. He was a funny man. I remember him at (family) birthday parties, the year's holidays. The Fourth of July at he and Evelyn's. Even this Christmas he was in a good mood in his wheelchair, body half limp. What hurst about his death is that we don't live forever. But why would anyone want to live forever? Sometimes thirty years seems like it would be more than enough. So, why the tears, sweetie? You're sitting here crying becasue some eighty year-old man who was confined to a wheelchair is free of the earthly constraints. Yeah, free for what? You believe all the chatter about spirits and souls. Why then don't animals and plants have spirits and souls? If God made us with a soul then why not plants and animals? No, I think wht happens is: you're born like an animal. You likve as an animal and then you die as an animal. Your flesh is picked away by scavengers until your bones lie naked and white. Then the rain comes, the wind blows, snow freezes and little by little your bones decay and get smaller and smaller releasing valuable calcium back into the soil Finally you give up something to the earth. Now we don't even do that. We enshrine our bodies in caskets inpenetrable to the forces of nature, because we are not animal, nay we are god. Then we cover our beautiful landscapes with cemeteries filled with stones, concrete, rotting flowers and if we're smart plastic clipppings that live for an eternity.

    March 25, 1991. Hatchery - Working on Tidal Upweller trough. bin supports along crosspieces. 3.5 hrs.

    March 26, 1991. Hatchery - Cutting plywood bins. Dado sides of plywood to make joints. 4.0 hrs.

    March 27, 1991. Hatchery - 3.0 hrs.

    March 28, 1991. Hatchery - begin glueing up bins. 3.5 hrs.

    March 29, 1991. Hatchery - Continued glueing up bins. 4.0

    March 30, 1991. Hatchery - Put up fiberboard ceiling in workshop. 9:30 - 4:15. 1 hr. lunch.

  24. March 30, 1991

    Gary asks me what I'm going to do tomorrow, Easter Sunday. I say, "finish y taxes, write my resume, you know take care of important things."
    "Don't you know it's a holiday? You should do somthing festive." I don't know what I'd do to be festive. Last year for my birthday aboard the ship, I didn't do anything. I didn't tell anybody because I wanted to see what it would be like spending my birthday with no one around me knowing that it's my birthday.

    Maybe a little bit fuckd up. But so what? I found out what it was like. It wasn't so bad. It wasn't so good either. So what's wrong with spending Easter Sunday taking care of important business that I haven't had the tme to take care of before now? That's a sad statement in and of itself. All my days have become a constant go. I go to school. Go to class. Go to the hatchery. Go home. Go to bed. I don't know what appeals to me. I'm afraid. There's so much I have to do. I feel overwhelmed. I want to stop it all. Stow owning the land. Stop going to school. Stop working till seven and eating dinner at eight. What I want is to grow clams. But, I'm afraid that once I do that long enough, I'll tire of that too. Then what? I can't let that be my attitude.

    I hear people, older people, talking about when they were young, working hard to survive; just getting by. Those were the hardest times of their life. But the best, too! Don't give up. Don't despair. Just keep plugging away. One step at a time. You'll get there. Remember to be awake and alive and live your life in this moment. Despair introduces thinking of tomorrow. The undone. The unpaid bills and debts. You do have an imagination. You're working hard to reach a goal. Don't keep piling up a lot of extra baggage that drags you down.

    Tomorrow I'll go to the each. Sit in the sun. Read, eat, write.

  25. April 1, 1991. Hatchery - glueing bins. 4.0 hrs.

    April 2, 1991. Hatchery - Glueing bins. 3.5 hrs.

    April 3, 1991. Hatchery - Glueing bins/sanded bins. 4.0 hrs.

    April 4, 1991. Hatchery - From March 29. 3.0 hrs.

    April 5, 1991. Hatchery - helped move boiler and tanks around. Glued side pieces to bins. 3.5 hours.

    April 6, 1991. Hatchery - Sanded inside top edge of bins. Finished support side pieces. Talked about strategies for securing bins. Glued overflow pipe for head tank. Swept up shop. 3.5 hours.

  26. April 9, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Built wood pieces to secure bins in place. Daddoed, ripped, glued up pieces.3.25 hrs.

    April 10, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - Glued up bin support pieces for foreward most bins since bins were too small for holes. Cut pieces of aluminum for securing bins in place. 3.75 hrs.

  27. April 12, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Drilled holes in aluminum and attached to pieces made on Tuesday. Moved pipes around w/ John. Ran to hardware store to get router bit and stainless screws. 3.5 hrs.

    April 12, 1991

    A thought came to mind on the way home. This one particular thought stayed with me from Hither Woods to North Sea. Now I'm starting to realize how humorous it is. Anything is possible. How about getting a PhD? It would take a good ten years. I'd have to learn how to cope with being a student for ten more years. I'd have to learn how to treat studies, studentness as an occupation. If you're really going to think about this maybe you should ask yourself, "Why?"

    Why, Craig? Why do you want to get a PhD? Well, I could take more classes and, if I'm lucky, get paid for it. That's the big "IF." This isn't something you should just do. You need to look around. Sit with the idea for some time. See how strong a desire this is. Observe it and see how it grows, changes, disappears, reappears, does its own thing.

  28. April 13, 1990. John's Cottage: Tar paper walls of shed portion of cottage. Put in two windows and started shingling. 8:30 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    April 15, 1990. Salter's: Moved cabinets from Cottage 13 to cottage 12, 5 and the basement of his parent's house. Moved plywood in shed. Raked leaves that had collected along the fence. Lunch. Moved outdoor furniture stowed in front cottage to their home on he beach in Georgica. 8:30 - 3:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    April 16, 1990. Hatchery - poked around post-set tanks to locate voids, holes and cracks. Sanded all effected areas. Puttied and sanded all holes. 3:15 - 7:30.

    April 17, 1991. Hatchery - talked about plan for repairing nursery sizing table. Sanded chips in resin and all corners. Put in 2 corner blocks, glued and screwed two long sides. 3:15 - 7:30.

    April 18, 1990. Hatchery - Worked w/ John figerglassing tanks. 2.5 completed. Put some resin on bae wood in sizing table. 3:30 - 7:30.

    April 19, 1991. Friday, John's Cottage - 2 courses shingles. 1:45 - 5:45.

    April 20, 1991. Saturday, John's Cottage - 3 courses shingles. 8:00 - 4:15. 1.75 hrs. lunch and bank p.o.

    April 23, 1991. Tuesday, John's Cottage - 3 courses shingles. 1:45 - 5:45 p.m.

    April 24, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - Sanded setting tanks. Puttied tanks and sorting tray. Worked w/ John, Kevin (Maeir) and Jeff (Havlik) on the dock (pier).

    April 25, 1991. Thursday, Salter's - Moved picnic tables and benches. Removed cabinets from three cottages and took them to the dump. Filled in voids along bulkhead. Glazing and painting windows on the east side. 8:30 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    April 26, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Resined sorting table and inside corners of setting tanks. Woked w/ J.K and J.A. on the dock (pier). Cleaned up around loading dock. Started cleaning up. 9:30 - 5:30.

  29. April 29, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - Sanded fiberglass corners of four setting tanks. Picked up Black Jack @ Montauk Lumber. Tarred north side wall of upweller floor. Siliconed hearth between conical room and upweller floor. 3:30 - 7:30.

    April 30, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Took down overflow pipe for center head tank. Nailed up supports between pearlons for the ends of water lines. Started to make prototype for upweller bins. No staple gun. Worked on 3" water line to mainifold in upweller room. 3:30 - 7:30.

    May 1, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - Fiberglassed new pin holes in one setting tank. Put bottoms on two upweller bins. Finished cutting pieces for 3" line to manifold in upweller room. 3:45 - 7:15.

    May 3, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Started work on screens for bins. Cut pieces of spruce lathe to cove staples. ~ 3 complete bins. 3:30 - 7:30.

    May 4, 1991. Saturday, Salter's - Worked outside raking leaves and using bags on mowers to pick up/spread out leaves. Starting cutting around western most cottages along bluff. 8:30 - 5:00. 1.5 hr. lunch.

    May 8, 1991. Wednesday, Hatchery - Continued work on bins for upwellers. Went to lumber yard to pick up more lathe. 3 more bins.

    May 10, 1991. Friday, Hatchery - Started work on bins. Moved conicals and conical tables around in conical room. Chipped away concrete patch on trough. Treated trough w/ muriatic acid. 4.0 hrs.

    May 11, 1991. Saturday, John's cottage: Finished last course of shingles on shed portion of cottage. Ripped off old shingles on east side adn replaced with new shingles. 9:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

  30. May 13, 1991. Monday, Hatchery - Cemented corners of trough with patch material. Cut down and ripped pieces of lathe for upweller bins. Cut screens for remaining bins. 4.0 hrs.

    May 14, 1991. Tuesday, Hatchery - Can't remember what I did. 4.0 hrs.

    May 15, 1991. Wednesday. Hatchey - Marked legs of conical tables. Began cutting legs. Moved conicals into upweller area. 3:30 - 7:30.

    May 16, 1991. Thursday, Hatchery - Helped Sue fill 1,000 gallon head tank. Finished cutting conical table legs to size. Cleaned up/swept up sawdust around tables. 2:00 - 6:00. (Last day of Spring Semester Student Teaching at East Hampton Middle School.)

  31. May 28, 1991. Tuesday - Painted trough w/ coal tar primer coat. Cleaned conicals and checked for leaks. Watched first hatchery spawning of 15 M. mercenaria. Worked on upweller bins. Helped lug algae from algae room up to 1,000 gallon algae tank upstairs. 9:00 - 6:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    May 29, 1991. Wednesday. Painted first full strength coat of coal tar on trough. Covered outflow pipe w/ screen so cats can't get in. Filled up 3 conicals to test for leaks. Patched voids in 9 conicals. Filled algae tank w/ algae and pumped H2O. 9:30 - 4:45. 1 hr. lunch.

    May 30, 1991. Thursday - Painted 2nd coat coal tar on trough. Filed patch work on conicals and moved back into conical room. Filled w/ H2O. Cleaned conical that larvae from spawn were in. Filled algae tank w/ algae and pumpled H2O. 9:30 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    May 31, 1991. Friday - Painted third and final coat of coal tar on trough. Oysters spawned on their own in broodstock tank. Fed larvae. Cleaned algae tank and moved algae in bucket upstairs. 9:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

  32. June 3, 1991. Monday - Cleaned algae tank. Cleaned conicals. Cleaned 3 post-set tanks and left to dry out. Took down clam larvae conicals (6). Cleaned, sieved (larvae) and put back into 6 conicals (according to sieve size.) 7.0 hrs.

    June 4, 1991. Tuesday. Rain/cool. Washed corrugated fiberglass sheets John found at dump. Sorted into good pile and bad pile. Measured distance between rafters above conical tanks. Cut sheets to fit above conical tanks. Started working on setting up upweller area. Brushing out tanks. Putting boards in place across trough. Assorted feeding activities and cleaning bags. 9:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch. Stopped by Simon's to dead head plants.

    June 5, 1991. Wednesday - Continued work on upweller set up. Drilled holes for last set of tanks by wall. Made list of equipment needed to finish system: corks, elbows, nipples. Feeding and cleaning activities. Hdwr store to get male & female hose ends. Modified hose for fresh water to upstairs. 9:00 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    June 6, 1991. Thursday - Nuggent and Potter to pu needed upweller elbows and nipples. Stopped by Shinnecock Oyster Project to pu sieves from Mabel and looked at their system. Cut scraps 2x's into pieces to accept angled sheets of fiberglass from above lights to deck upstairs. Screwed in lower pieces on deck. Put spawned clams in tray on pier. Cleaned up. 9:30 - 6:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    June 7, 1991. Friday - These entries are going to get long-winded. I might as well use this space to record my thoughts since I've run ouut of space in other journals. What a funny day! I must've left my brain in the box this morning. I was an accident waiting to happen and probably made John shudder at the thought of having me for more than twenty hours a week...if that. I managed to overflow Tony's (D'Agostino, Blue lobster project) head tank, came too close to shooting wateer all over the ceiling in the lab and managed to leave my backpack with car keys inside, on John's truck.

    For some one who graduated w/ honors from college four years ago, pulles straight "A'"s in his graduate level education courses this fall, and managed to get an "A" for student teaching, I sure seem to have my troubles figuring out seemingly simple tasks that require me to put bits of known information together in new ways. I need to work on this!

  33. June 7, 1991. Friday, continued...

    Today's hatchery work encompassed helping Sue in the algae room. Taking off 40 gallons of algae from 4 kalwalls, filling those reduced kalwalls w/ treated seawater, adding nutrients adn then filling two carboys w/ treated seawater. Then I moved into the hatchery area. John begn pumping seawater into the head tank when Sue was finished w/ the water she needed. Did he drain the treated water first? I waited to start cleaning the conicals until all the clam conicals had been taken down so as not to contaminate with cleaning water and fresh H2O. The conicals take at least 10 - 15 minutes to drain down. As I cleaned, John sieved (the larvae that were in each conical) and separated the larvae into their new groupings (based on size of openings in sieves the larvae were sieved through). Six conicals are filled w/ 100's and 80's (Sieve mesh size based on the mumber of holes/square inch. The bigger the number, the more holes per square inch thus the smaller the larvae), one conical has 120s. We had to fill up part way through refilling the conicals so I turned on the pump 9at the pumphouse 300 yards away by the beach). That's when I flooded Tony's head tank because I didn't check to make sure an overflow system was set up. Live and learn.

    After we filled up, on w/ the pump (for head tank upstairs to circulate water past the heat exchanger to warm water from ambient to 80 to 85 F) to bring water temp up. Then finished filling clam conicals. Repeated the process after lunch w/ the oyster larvae.

    This process went fairly smoothly. Although, John suggested we begin washing/cleaning the conicals while we were drainng the slow conicals (the hole we created in the bottom of each conical when we refiberglassed bottoms using jigs made from funnels had two different opening sizes thus some of the conicals drained more slowly than others.)

    All went smoothly, more or less then we began to clean up. That went smoothly until I ried to wash the ceiling in the lab w/ the sump pump. Fortunately, John stopped me before I plugged it in. You've got to laugh at life before it laughs at you. 9:15 - 5:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  34. June 8th, 1991. Saturday, Salter's - Helped Rick move furniture fom the basement of his parents to the yard sale and to the storage space above their new shed/shop. Used an old wooden block and tackle temporarily bolted to ne of the rafters to hoist chairs, tables and couch up into the attic. Moved the piano on to Grandma (one of Salter's trucks) for an afternoon trip to the dump. Lunch. Then set up with pump, hoses, P.V.C. pipe, tools to work on steps from bulkheads to beach. Spent the rest of the afternoon getting the steps screwed to the bulkhead and jettingin two, 4' 4x4s to secure the bottom of the steps. They think this'll save them from removing the steps every winter but I have a feeling that the beach will be eroded away so much that the 4x4's won't do much good. I should mention this to Rick. At least I won't be witholdiing my thoughts. 8:15 - 5:30. ~ 1 hr. lunch. Paid check for today and May 4th.

  35. June 10, 1991. Monday - Took off 10 gallons from each of two oldest cultures of "Pavlova" and "Isochrysis" (two species of unicellular algae that we grew). Pmped water into head tank after setting up overflow for Tony's tank. Set up for taking down the larval cultures. Took down clam conicals first, Batch 1 & 2. Redistributed into ten conicals.

    June 11, 1991. Tuesday - Sue and I in morning. Worked on algae. Prepared Vitamin & mineral mixture for the algae. Set up upwellers. Worked on tidal upweller bin screens. Sorted clam cultch w/ John (pieces of surf clam shell sieved to 1/4" used to create substrate for oyster larvae to attach onto when they metamorphose, lose their velum and attach to the bottom.) Usual p.m. pumping. 9:30 -5:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  36. June 12, 1991. Wednesday - Tood down regular amounts of algae and all conicals for sieving. Cleaned conicals. Conde compressor stopped working. John messed w/ it trying to determine cause: broken vanes. Probably due to my quick start when I accidently hit the breaker and turned it off mementarily a few days earlier. No air for conicals, broodstock, or mass algae culture. John ordered 1/4 h.p. diaphragm air pump. 9:00 - 5:00. 1/2 hr. lunch. I was going to umpire at Little League game (John's son, Jessie, I think) but heavy winds and rain cancelled the game.

    June 13, 1991. Thursday - Took 1/3 of H2O off clam conicals using siphon and draining screen. Pumped in new waer to help aerate. Filled oyster conicals w/ water to help aerate. Screened/sized cultch for set tanks. Usual p.m. pumping for head tank and algae mass culture. 9;00 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    June 14, 1991. Friday - Took down (corks pulled from bottom of conicals allowing water and larvae to drain through a catch screen placed below. This was done every Monday, Wednesday and Friday while larvae where in the conicals.) This time oysters first because oysters had settled into the air lines, Clams, too. Joanne came at about 12:00 w/ the new replacement air pump. Fiddled around w/ hooking up air compressor. Back to sieving and sorting larvae. p.m. H2O pumping. 9:00 - 5:00. 1/2 hr. lunch. Weekend trip to visit Ed, Georgette, Jimmy and Jeniene (in Woodbridge, VA).

    June 17, 1991. Monday - Back to work after much driving and little sleeping. Set up airstones for set tanks. Filled bottom of tank with a layer of 2 mm cultch. Filled half way w/ H2O. Worked on seiving and sizing larvae. One conical of 70 mesh oyster larvae placed into set tank. Can see little black specks floating/swimming around in H2O. Spent rest of day cleaning conicals, pumping H2O and filling conicals w/ H2O, larvae and food (algae). Sarted work on airstones for second set tank. 9:00 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    June 18, 1991. Tuesday - Easier day. Continued work on air stones for 2nd set tank. Borrowed some "T"s (nalgene) for tygone tubing. Had a devil of a time trying to get tubing to fit over "t"s. Started running water through upweller system for today's arrival of 0.85 mm clams from Blue Points. Adjusted 2" black pipe so water flow ws the same or close to it for upper and lower tiers. Rinsed upwellers w/ fresh H2O. Floor (trough I thought I'd repaired) already leaking. (Upweller floor was poured on top of existing floor with a drainage trough in the middle so that water leaving the upwelling tanks dumped into the trough which carried the water out of the building's north side to a trough that carried the water to the east at the bottom of the loading dock that ran along that side of the building to the first settling pond mentioned earlier.) So much for coal tar solving our (leak) problem Back to finishing airstones. Filled insulation above mechanical room. Helped John use dump level to get heights for pits (where we accessed pipes coming to and from Fort Pond Bay t be able to clean them out) and pier (used to secure intake lines that brought seawater from the bay to the pumps in the first pump house by the beach and on up to the building 300 yards away.) Worked on screwing treads to wrought iron circular stair case. 9:00 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  37. June 19, 1991. Wednesday: 9:00 - 5:30.

    June 20, 1991. Thursday: 9:00 - 5:00 1.2 hr. lunch.

    June 21, 1991. Friday: 9:00 - 5:00 1 hr. lunch.

    June 24, 1991. Monday 9:00 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    June 25, 1991. Tuesday: 9:30 - 6:00.

    June 26, 1991. Wednesday: 9:30 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    June 27, 1991. Thursday: 9:30 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  38. June 28, 1991. Friday: Took down conicals. Refilled. Helped move tops and bottoms out to boat on pier. Moved boat from pier to Lake Montauk. 9:15 - 6:00. 15 min. lunch.

  39. June 29, 1991. Saturday: Took oyster sets started on 6/21 and 6/25. Fresh H2O rinsed. Put sets 6/21 into trays and stored upstairs in flowing H2O. 2:00 p.m. Took packed oysters (24 trays) to Stepping Stones. Brought boat around. Moved oysters from shore out to (grow-out) site. 9:45 - 7:00. 15 min. lunch.

  40. July1, 1991. Monday - Moved 36 sets of tops and bottoms for field grow-out to boat. Packed 17 oyster sets onto truck and moved out to Lake. Chloroxed head tank and all lines. Rinsed w/ fresh H2O. 9:15 - 6:30. Lunch on the road.

    July 2, 1991. Tuesday - Took down 3 oyster set tanks started 6/25 rinsed w/ fresh H2O. Transferred contents of top one nearest wall into trays and put into upweller tank. To Lake to get clams for spawning. Back to Lake w/ 17 trays from upstairs. End of day cleanup. Discussed positioning of set tanks for next year. Central location w/ 4 up and 4 down. 9:15 - 6:00. 15 min. lunch.

    July 3, 1991. Wednesday - Harvested 60 gallons of algae. Fill ups and fertilized. Drained oyster sets, moved into trays in upweller tanks. Draining and cleaning set tanks. Moving set tanks. Drained conicals. Cleaned upwellers. Worked w/ Sue on oysters and clams in upwellers. Sieving, cleaning, etc. Fed set tanks. 9:15 - 6:30. No lunch.

    July 4, 1991. Thursday - Harvested algae. Fed animals. General cleanup through hatchery, upweller and shop area. Moved 11 trays out to L.M. 9:30 - 6:00. 15 min. lunch.

    July 5, 1991. Friday - Took down set tanks and conicals. Larger clams 20/30 (mesh size) in set tanks are not growing as expected. Suspect not enough food. 9:15 - 5: 30. 15 min. lunch.

    July 6, 1991. Saturday - John's Cottage: putting in nailing boards in three gables (inside) for sheetrock. Slow going. 9:30 - 5:00. 1.5 hr. lunch.

  41. July 8, 1991. Monday - Took down conicals. Drained and cleaned set tanks. Picked up bricks for trays in Wainscott. 15 min. lunch. 9:30 - 6:00.

    July 9, 1991. Tuesday - Installed/wired in bricks in 19 trays. Loaded trays onto truck, helped in sieving and cleaning upweller area. Tood 19 trays out to Lake Montauk/Stepping Stones. H2O temp - 25 C. Oysters in field seem to be growing. 10:00 - 6:30.

    July 19, 1991. Wednesday - Took down conicals, drained and cleaned set tanks. Group for the South Fork group visited. Harvest 80 gallons algae. Observed John regulating flow into upwellers. 3 upweller tanks going now, each / 5 upwellers. One spot used as a vent so that upwellers and upweller tank don't overflow. Moved clams retained on 30 mesh to 0.5 mm mesh upwellers. ~1.250,000 clams at 30 mesh size. 9:30 - 6:00. 15 min. lunch.

    July 11, 1991. Thursday - Made new screens for upwellers. Sorted cultch remaining on loading dock. Straightened up cultch remaining in totes. 9:30 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    July 12, 1991. Friday - Took down set tanks. Cleaned set tanks. Sieved clams. Chloroxed head tank and lines to algae room, recirculating loop and filling lines. Mopped algae room floor since I flooded area under kalwalls. Algae crashing. 9:30 - 5:30. 15 min. lunch.

    July 13, 1991. T.G.I.F. - John's Cottage: Finished securing nailing boards. Furring out walls for sheetrock. Talk about L. Penny. Lunch talk about pearl net plan for Napeague. Sections of line, possibly 66 floatts/100ft, 333-100 nets/100 ft. 2 - 4 nets deep. Talked about setting up manifold with crosses and hose valves at ends and 2" ball valve at very end. Hoses to clean fouling nets. 8:30 - 5:15. 1.5 hr. lunch. Pd. $150 for 17 hrs. Brought up to date with money owed.

  42. July 15, 1991. Monday - Took down conicals and set tanks. Sieved clams and redistributed. Cleaned set tanks. Sue and I working. 9:15 - 5:45. No lunch.

    July 16, 1991. Tuesday - Picked John up at U-Haul garage in Bridgehampton. Put burlap bags out to dry. Fed set tanks. Measured and sieved oysters and clams in upweller system. Cleaned upweller tanks. 9:45 - 6:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    July 17, 1991. Wednesday - Took down set tanks and conical. Sieved animals. Redistributed animals. Cleaned set tanks and conical. Rinsed and chlorox washed head tank and lines to algae room, lab and conical area. 9:15 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    July 18, 1991. Thursday - Took down two Kalwall tubes of algae, one "Isochrysis," wrong one. Oh well. Fed sets. Deployed the probe. Attached flexible line to line and probe. Attatched flexible line from landward end of 4" line to ring at end of dock. Moved 5 h.p. pump and fittings to prime line from 1 h.p. pump and 3" line, to pump house. 9:15 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    July 19, 1991. Friday - Took down set tanks. Cleaned set tanks. Sieved clams. Redistributed clams. Took down, and cleaned conical. Sieved contents. 9:15 - 5:45. 15 min. lunch.

  43. July 22, 1991. Monday - Took down set tanks, sieved clams. Took down and cleaned conical. Sieved contents. Redistributed set tanks and conical clams back into set tanks. 10 set tanks, 2 in upweller area. 9:30 - 7:00. 15 min. lunch.

    July 23, 1991. Tuesday - Sieving and measuring contents of upwellers. Started with Shinnecock oysters. Mike (Community Service guy) cleaned upwellers. John helped w/ sieving and redistributing clams. Moved >3.25 mm and vexar (2 mm) ~ 1,700 ml into 9, 3 mm lantern nets in tank to righ of head tank w/ flowing H2O. 8:15 - 6:00. 15 min. lunch.

    July 24, 1991. Wednesday - Car pooled w/ Sue. Upweller tanks overflowing when we arrived at hatchery due to clogged screens. Screens clogged because front moved through Tuesday night and turned winds to the Northwest, stirring up algae and debris around probe. Rinsed lines w/ fresh H2O to algae room for Sue's algae work. Took down set tanks. Cleaned. Sue sieved. John worked on 20's in upweller tanks next door. Redistributed. Drained and washed out upweller tanks and upwellers. Moved one upweller from each of 4 tanks to a new upweller tank. Now 6 upweller tanks going. Went over algae room schedule during Sue's absence. 8:15 - 5:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    July 25, 1991. Thursday - First day of Sue's absence. Algae room work. Harvesting, filling, cleaning, feeding. D.E.C., Deb Barnes talking w/ John about progress. Cleaned rinsed lines. Set up Kalwall tubes to innoculate on Friday. Worked w/ John on stringing buoys on to lines for lantern nets. Talked about strategies for tying nets to line w/ buoys. 9:00 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    July 26, 1991. Friday - Did counts on algae that we planned to harvest. Harvested algae. Cleaned and set up carboys. Filled Kalwalls. Flask transfers. Innoculated carboys and kalwalls. Started kalwall of "Thalassiosira" (diatom used to feed set shellfish) in algae room. Took down set tanks. Cleaned tanks. Sieved and sized clams. Redistributed. Cleaned head tank and lines. 8:00 - 5:30. 15 min. lunch.

    July 27, 1991. Saturday - John's cottage, 8:30 - 12:00. Putting rigid insulation in shed portion of cottage. Lunch. Hatchery - Algae work at hatchery. Harvested algae. Fed animals. Upweller check. Fill ups. 2:00 - 4:00

  44. July 29, 1991. Monday - Algae counts. Harvested algae. Set up carboys. Cleaned carboys and 2 Kalwall tubes. Took down set tanks. Sieved, filled, fed animals. 8:00 - 4:00. 15 min. lunch.

    July 30, 1991. Tuesday - Upweller day. Started w/ oysters. Had help washing down upwellers and cleaning upweller tanks from Community Service worker named Dan. Volume out, of oysters. Sieved. Vexar, 3.35 mm, 2.36 mm, 2.00 mm, 1.4 mm. Then redistributed. Moved on to Fisher's Island clams. Lots of tunicates, bryozoans and other growth on these animals. Voute out, sieved, redistributed. Helped John sieve through smaller Montauk clams. 36 spaces in 6 upweller tanks filled. Didn't get to Blue Points clams. Vexar and 3.35 mm oyster were put into lantern nets nd held in upstairs tank w/ last week's. Vexar and 3.35 oysters in nets. 8:30 - 7:30. No lunch.

    July 31, 1991. Wednesday - Take down set tanks. Now have four set tanks w/ 30 and 40 (mesh size) animals.All 20's moved to upwellers. 9:30 - 5:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 1, 1991. Thursday - Fed animals. Went to Lake to check on oysters in cages. One cage at edge w/o cover. Many oyster drills and mud crabs inside cages. Unexceptional growth. Worked on line of buoys for field growout using pearl nets. Hung oysters from uncovered cage in Lake off of pier in pearl net at Hatchery. Found a considerable amount of seed (shellfish) in trough to pond. Sue and John meeting with Jeff Havlik (Bay Constable), Tom Knobel and Diane Mamay (East Hampton Trustees - elected officials, initially given power by the King of England to manage bottoms of certain harbors and other "public" lands for the people of East Hampton.) 9:30 - 5:45. No lunch.

    August 2, 1991. Friday - Took down set tanks. Cleaned, sieved, redistributed. Swam around hatchery pier checking pearl nets leaking oysters. Cleaned 1 h.p. probe. Tied opening to big probe a.k.a. big mouth shut w/ green line. Doubt it will last long. Stone crabs and green grabs hanging out around pilings. Helped John scrape trough to catch wayward seed. 9:30 - 5:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  45. August 5, 1991. Monday - Sue and I. John Block Island. Wind from north kicked up fine debris. Secured flexible intake line @ end of pier/dock. Bumped upwellers. Helped Sue w/ harvesting algae and storing surplus. Took down set tanks and drained upweller tanks. Rinsed sediment out of upwellers. Cleaned set tanks. Sieved and redistributed clams. Noticed many open shells (valves) throughout set tank clams, especially 30's. Drained and rinsed upwellers at end of day. Checked dock before leaving. Brushed off lantern nets of oysters on dock. 9:30 - 6:15. No lunch.

    August 6, 1991. Tuesday - Sue and I came in early to get started on upweller work. Spent ~ 1 hr.draining and cleaning debris out of upwellers because wind had picked up from north overnight. Started w/ oysters. Spent rest of day cleaning tanks and upwellers, taking volumes and sieving Montauk clams. Severely limited in space. Overstocked upwellers because we didn't have enough upwellers. 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 p.m. No lunch break.

    August 7, 1991. Wednesday - Took down set tanks. 4 set tanks. Cleaned head tank. Helped John finish up remaining upwellers. Volunteer meeting for people helping @ concert (First "Back to the Ranch" Concert held to benefit local organizations...including the hatchery.) 9:30 - 6:00. 15 min. lunch.

    August 8, 1991. Thursday - Worked on splices for lantern net set up. Helped harvest algae. Bumped upwellers. 9:00 - 1:00. (We volunteered for the "Back at the Ranch" concert in afternoon and evening.)

    August 9, 1991. Friday - Took down conicals. Freshwater rinsed lines. Chloroxed lines. Worked on splicing thimbles into lines for lantern net grow-out. 10:30 - 5:00. 15 min. lunch.

  46. August 12, 1991. Monday - Took down set tanks, cleaned, redistributed. Helped John and Sue w/ upweller work. Moved 3.35 mm clams and vexar to trays to put out into Lake Montauk. 9:30 - 6:30. 15 min. lunch.

    August 13, 1991. Tuesday - Took trays out to Lake. Sieving and redistributing 2.4 and 2.0 mm clams. Hung oysters on dock. 9:15 -5:30.

    Agust 14, 1991. Wednesday - Upwellers 1.4 and 1.0 mm, 19 upwellers volume. Sieved and redistributed. 1.0 and <1.0 mm 1,700 ml placed in upweller tank BB1. Not enough upwellers. 9:30 - 5:30.

    August 15, 1991. Thursday - Napeague. Took ~36 lantern nets w/ oysters from dock and put into ~64 lantern nets in Napeague. Boat trouble on way out and back. Rain on way out. 9:30 - 6:00.

    August 16, 1991. Friday - Sue and I algae, set tanks. Remaining contents ~360 ml put into one upweller tank. Painted string of buoys 9:00 - 2:45.

  47. August 19, 1991. Monday - No work. Hurricane Bob. John holding down hatchery.

    August 20, 1991. Tuesday - Clean up. Set up gas pump on dock to 3" line w/ 150' of 2" flexible from pump to 3" line in pump house. Cleaned out pump house (on beach at Fort Pond Bay) Took pumps out of fresh water bath, dried w/ towel, air compressor, put under tank w/ heat to dry out. Help digging out rings on beach from Jenn (Darling) and Robin. 9:30 - 7:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 21, 1991. Wednesday - Reassembled 1 and 5 h.p. pumps.Sprayed w/ oil that wouldn't melt away coatings or windings. Got 1 h.p. pump going and into pump house after pump house wiring was air dryed and sprayed w/ oil used earlier. Air line hooked into conduit (for electric) from main panel to pump house panel. Hooked up 5 h.p. pump and started running. 9:30 - 6:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 22, 1991. Thursday - General cleanup of hatchery inside and out. Took boat to check on field gear in L. Montauk. 9:30 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 23, 1991. Friday - Got boat from Harbormasters (Bill Taylor) took to Napeague to check on lantern nets and new inlet near our grow out site. Returned boat to harbormasters. Out to Montauk. Finished cleanup @ hatchery. Worked on tidal upweller bins. 9:30 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 24, 1991. Saturday - john's cottage: Put insulation between irregular rafters. 8:30 - 5:00. No lunch.

  48. August 26, 1991. Monday - Upwellers. Worked on 2.4 mm clams. Rinsed tanks. Washed tanks that had two or less upwellers remaining. Sieved. Made trays w/ vexar lining to hold ~12,000 ml of 3.35 mm clams. 20 upwellers completed today. 9:30 - :30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 27, 1991. Tuesday - Took 20 trays of 3.35 mm clams out to the Lake w/ Jessie adn Nathan's (John's sons) help. Sieved 2.0 mm clams. Made trays w/ vexar lining. Redistributed 2.4 and <2.4 mm clams into 21 upwellers. 3 trays of 3.35 mm clams into pond. ~122 trays out in Lake. 9:30 - 5:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 28, 1991. Wednesday - Sieving remainder of clams. All day. 9:30 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 29, 1991. Thursday - Started work on strng of buoys for lantern nets. Inventoried lantern nets. Went to Lake Montauk to pick up 10 trays of oysters - 6 lg. cultch, 4 sm. cultch. Thinned oysters from 10 other cages into cages we emptied. Put oysters into 42 lantern nets and hung from dock. 9:30 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 30, 1991. Friday - Finished line for lantern nets. Returned to Lake to get 10 more trays of large cultch oysters. Left tops and bottoms of trays on boat. Hung 40 lantern nets, of oysters on large cultch, from dock. 9:15 - 5:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    August 31, 1991. Saturday - John's cottage: worked on insulating roof. 11:00 - 3:00.

    September 1, 1991. Sunday - John's cottage: Worked on insulating roof, finished! Helped squeeze tub into place in bathroom. 11:30 - 6:00.

  49. September 3, 1991. Tuesday - Sieved <3.35 and 2.4 mm clams ~ 35 upwellers = 13,000 ml >3.35 into 24 trays for L.M. 2.4 into ? upwellers. Put >3.35 clams into 8 small lined vexar trays in pond. That's it? 9:30 - 6:30. No lunch.

    September 4, 1991. Wednesday - Took trays from pond to Lake. Removed 14 small cultch trays of oysters to gain space for new clams goiing in: 24 trays of clams w/ small vexar liners. Reorganized and spead out trays at site. Diagram of the site and placement of gear in Stepping Stones. Sieved oyster cultch through lg. vexar. Filled 21 3 mm nets (lantern) with cultch retained. John and Sue seeded out oysters <vexar to Lake near mouth of Reed Pond. Sieved 2.0 mm clams. Washed upwellers. 2.4 mm into 15 upwellers. <2.4 mm into 5 pwellers. 9:15 - 7:15. 15 min. lunch.

    September 5, 1991. Thursday - Sieved 1.4 mm clams and <1.4 mm clams. Redistributed all remaining clams: <1.4 mm seeded out to South end of Lake ~770,000 animals. Cleaned upwelling area thoroughly. 10:00 - 5:45. 15 min. lunch.

    September 6, 1991. Friday - Cut and made 20 liners 29" x 31" from a roll of small (2 mm openings in mesh) vexar. Moved tank and set tank stands on south loading dock to a new location out of the way. Worked arranging photos for open house w/ John. 9:00 - 4:00. no lunch.

  50. September 9, 1991. Monday - Took 14 trays of sm. mesh oysters out of site. Pictures taken by Ramesh ("East Hampton Star" photographer.) Brought oysters back to hatchery put into 43 9 mm mesh pearl (lantern) nets. Strung on boat: 8 lines(strings) 5 nets/line(string) and one line(string) of 3 nets.

    September 10, 1991. Tuesday - Took 26 lines of nets from dock(pier) plus 9 lines from boat to Napeague via te boat. Strong westerly winds and tempramental fuel lines. Broke down by Rocky Pt. John messed w/ fuel/H2O separator. Boat worked from there to Napeague and back. Cleaned off gas pump. Helped Sue distribute clams she had seived. Put 13 trays of >3.35 mm into pond. 9:00 - 6:15.

    September 11, 1991. Wednesday - Let's all sieve. Sieved <3.35 adn 2.4 clams. Made 15 more trays worth of >3.35 @ 600 ml each. Put 7 into remaining small vexar trays. Other 8 put into an upweller for tomorrow. Loaded truck w/ tops and bottoms. 9:00 - 5:15.

    September 12, 1991. Thursday - Took tops and bottoms to boat while Sue got clams in upwellers into buckets @ 600ml/bucket. Picked up 20 trays in pond plus buckets and moved to Lake. Took out 8 trays of (oysters on) small cultch and sieved. Put oysters retained on large vexar (1/4 or 7 mm openings in mesh) into 8, 3 mm pearl nets. Seeded out cultch w/ oysters around island making up eastern edge of Stepping Stones. 1.5 hr. lunch @ Gossman's w/ Joann, Kim (LaCarubba/Shaw), Roger (Walker?) and Joyce celebrating Joann's new job. Back to hatchery to seive <2.4, 2.0 and 1.4 mm clams Redistributed into 2.4 , 2.0 and <2.0.

    September 13, 1991. Friday - Picked pictures of hatchery off floor. Strung up 50 buoys adn started painting. John gave a hand and we strung up 50 more buoys Had enough paint for 39 more. Cleaned out refrigerators inside and out. Moved boat to new spot on Coast Guard dock in L.M. Cleaned up pipes and loading dock, moved fridges back inside. 9:15 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    Diagram of arrangement of cages in Stepping Stones at this date.

  51. September 16, 1991. Monday - Made up two lines of buoys for pearl nets Helped with writng notes on invitations for Open House. 9:00 - 6:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    September 17, 1991. Tuesday - Voluming 13 >3.35 mm clams, 2; 2-3 weeks. Sieved, made 12 trays of >3.35 clams @620 ml. Removed 12 trays of small cultch oysters from field and replaced w/ 12 trays of clams. Seeded out oysters and cultch <1/4" vexar. Put >1/4" vexar oystrs into upwellers. Diagram of Stepping Stones grow-out site with dates various cages had been in place and what was in each cage. 9:30 - 7:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    September 18, 1991. Wednesday. >1/4" vexar oystrs into 14, 3 mm lantern nets on dock. Volumed and sieved 21 Week 1 <3.35 mm clams. Washed upwellers and cleaned upweller tanks. 8,500 ml of >3.35 mm clams. Put 11 trays of >3.35 mm clams into Lake @ 600 ml each. Took out remaining small cultch oysters, 11 trays.Sieved through 1/4" vexar. <1/4" vexar oysters seeded out over ridge coming in to Stepping Stones area. Held >1/4" oysters in upwellers to be put into pearl nets on Thursday. 9:30 - 5:30.

    September 19, 1991. Thursday - 8 pearl nets on dock: 3, 3 mm mets; 5, 6 mm nets. Sieved 2.4 clams. Put out 12 trays of >3.35 mm clams. Took out 4 large cultch oysters. Sieved 4 trays of oldes clams to get some small vexar (2 mm) screens. Produced 2 trays of large cultch oysters. Returned to lab put oysters in 6 upwellers. 9:30 - 6:00.

    September 20, 1991. Friday - Put oysters into 16, 9 mm pearl nets on dock (pier). Sieved 2.0 mm upwellers and tank of <2.0 mm clams. North wind stirred up probes. Cleaned probe for 5 h.p. pump first then cleaned probe for 1 h.p. pump. 9:30 - 7:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  52. September 23, 1991. Monday. First day of Autumn. Rain. Cleaning hatchery. Set up string of buoys and pearl nets as display for field grow-out. Worked on photos of hatchery and upwelling nursery plus paragraphs of description. 9:30 - 7:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    September 24, 1991. Tuesday - Continued clean up/spruce up of hatchery. Outside jobs and inside. Stowing items, moving items to less conspicuous spots. Pruning shrubs along driveway. Set sail up in north part of lobby. 9:30 - 7:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    September 25, 1991. Wednesday. Inside, worked on photographs for self-guided tour. Lettering boards. Many people stopping by. Took 3 boards home to put together. Spent $7 for art supplies to do boards. 9:00 - 4:00.

    September 26, 1991. Thursday - Dedication Day. Finished building construction poster board. Filled conicals, drained and washed upweller tanks. Moved tables, vacumed lobby, pickedup velcro for plaque. Set up nestier tray exhibit w/ cultch. Set up 4 strings of 9 mm pear nets w/ oysters from dock in tank upstairs. P/U ice and balloons. Emptied garbage cans. 5:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

    September 27, 1991. Friday - Pumps slow. Clogged w/ algae from north wind. Cleaned probe on 5 h,.p. pump adn 1 h.p. pump. Made signs for Saturday's Open House. Put signs in place. 10:30 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    September 28, 1991. Saturday - Open House. Brushed off 5 h.p. probe after turning pump off. Water slow into upwellers, wind N, NE. Drained and cleaned upweller tanks. Answered questions from people walking through upwelling area as I was cleaning. Helped clean up after people left. 10:30 - 6:00.

  53. September 30, 1991. Monday -

    Sue and I seiving >3.35 mm and < 3.35 mm week 3-4 clams. 9 upwellers. Put 12 trays: 7@640 ml, 5@620 ml into pond. Made 12 small mesh vexar liners. Cleaned probe insitu. Drained all upweller tanks, cleaned upwellers and tanks. 9:00 - 3:30. No lunch.

    October 1, 1991. Tuesday - Tour to Sal Tocci's 10th Grade Bio. class (I student taught for Mr. Tocci @ East Hampton High School for Spring Semester 1991.) Sieving <3.35 mm clams week 2 - 10 upwellers. Week 1, 8 upwellers. Washed and cleaned tanks and upwellers. Made 8 sm. mesh vexar tray liners. Put 8 traps in pond @ 600ml/tray. 12 upwellers in ystem w/ >3.35 clams @~1200 ml. Holding until more vexar comes. 9:15 - 4:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    October 2, 1991. Wednesday - Sieving <3.35 mm clams, Week 1, 6 upwellers and 2.4 clams, 7 upwellers. Cleaned tanks and upwellers. 9 upwellers holding ~1280 ml >3.35 clams. Putlled down nestier trays for 50 units. Cut line and torched (line to keep line from unraveling). 9:15 - 4:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    October 3, 1991. Thursday - Sieved remainder of clams: 2.0 and <2.0. P/U bricks from Southampton Brick and Tile in Wainscott. Picked up discarded wire from back of Parks Bldg. Made tray bottoms - completed 52. cut small (mesh) vexar into squares. 9:00 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    October 4, 1991. Friday - Loaded trays on to truck and put on to boat while Sue readied 20 buckets of clams taken from upwellers. Moved 20 trays in pond plus 20 buckets clams to Lake. 9:00 - 3:00. No lunch.

  54. October 7, 1991. Monday - Put together 10 bottoms. Made liners for 20 trays. Took down remaining nestier trays and large vexar liners from above corner room. Stored liners in extra nestier tray tops outside and in tidal upweller. Made bottoms for 10 trays. Finished letter to Trent Schneider Re: Volunteer Involvement in Marine-Related Programs. 9:00 - 4:45.

    October 8, 1991. Tuesday - Seiving clams. >3.35 put into 8 trays in upweller tanks C and CC, <3.35 mm clams sieved to get any >3.35 mm clams. Tony Minardi's Environmental Awareness class (East Hampton High School) came for a tour - 50 kids. Typed letter to Trent Schneider mentioned yesterday. John McCrudin and male assistant came from S.C. (Southampton College) to discuss CO-OP students w/ John and Sue. Readied for Wednesday's move to field. 9:00 - 5:30.

    October 9, 1991. Wednesday - Got remaining 12 upwellers of >3.35 mm clams into buckets and measured. Some (4) between 1300 - 1500 ml/bucket. Put 20 trays into Lake. Staightened out trasy that had moved and clams were bunched in corner. Got hours together for John's presentation at Budget Hearing. Discussed presentation. 9:00 - 4:30. Lunch on road.

    October 10, 1991. Thursday - Finished sieving remainder of clams. 2.4, 2.0 and <2.0 mm. Redistributed into remaining upwellers at densities ~300 -350 ml. Cleaned tanks adn upwellers. Checked pumps @ end of day. 5 h.p. leaking through seals. Turned off - MISTAKE! Couldn't get it primed. John came after Sue and I left and got it going and covered w/ 1/2 plastic flower pot so leak wouldn't spray motor of 1 h.p. pump. 10:00 - 5:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    October 11, 1991. Friday - Cleaned floor in Tony's conference room, our lobby and area on north side of lobby. Came in early to make sure pump was running okay. Finished growth log and made new one for next time upwellers are taken down. Bumped upwellers, swirled algae, drained set tank w/ post set larvae that Chris (Pranis working at Blue Points Hatchery) brought for opening. Many dead. Moved sand into where rocks were on edge of pond. Covered sand w/ rocks. Brushed down pearl nets on dock. Brought 2 back to spread, into 3 nets because nets had holes or were mangled. Took vexar liners out of pond and harvested oysters growing through them. Put into 2 upwellers. 8:15 -5:15. 1/2 hr. lunch.

  55. October 13, 1991. Sunday - Checked upwelling system. Water overflowing in Tony's tank room. Plugged end of pipe w/ cork. Changed 5 h.p. pump in pump house w/ 5 h.p. pump that John rebuilt on Saturday. Checked oysters in Napeague, 16 sets of 4 nets each had pulled buoy line below water level. 12:00 - 2:30.

    October 14, 1991. Monday - Wire brushed and lubricated pedestal parts for 5 h.p. pump. Cleaned impleller, bots, gaskets and lubricated. 9:00 - 2:00. No lunch.

    October 15, 1991. Tuesday - Drained and rinsed upweller tanks and upwellers in a.m. Black Jack around edge of hatchery floor in p.m. 9:00 - 3:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    October 16, 1991. Wednesday - John's cottage: painted inside of cottage, 2nd coat. 8:30 - 4:00. No lunch.

    October 17, 1991. Thursday - Lumberyard for more Black Jack. Checked boat at C.G. dock in the Lake. Cleaned sheetrock and insulation out of boiler room. Took sheetrock screws out of joists. Checked remaining sheetrock for sags. Put cinder blocks around outside opening of hatchery trough. Finished Black Jack hatchery floor. Worked on putting wood up in trusses for hatchery inner roof. Cut more wood to run length of hatchery room. Checked boat and put chaffing guards on 2 bow lines. 9:00 - 5:00. 15 min. lunch.

  56. October 18, 1991. Friday - Worked on inner roof. Put 5' fiberglass pieces on top. Cemented opening from hatchery into chimney. Cemented cinder blocks outside hatchery trough. Helped Sue move a 25 - 30' stump stuck under dock. Brushed probe. H2O temp = 16 C. 9:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    October 19, 1991. Saturday, John's cottage: Cut and put down CCA sleepers in porch part of cottage. Cut Styrofoam and put between sleepers in rest of cottage. 9:00 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    October 21, 1991. Monday - Worked on roof in hatchery area. Completed 5' horizontal inner roof area. Began work on sides. Cut out pipe in way. Discussed daily plan of listening to weather in a.m. and p.m., probe checks and brushing. Tabulated #'s of upwellers and sizes of animals for seeding. 9:00 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    October 22, 1991. Tuesday. Discussed plan to box in truss section to make installing inner fiberglass ceiling easier. Cut out remainder of pipe. Took off bell, covered up holes in wall. Patched cracks on outside wall. Continued work on sides of inner ceiling. 9:30 - 5:45. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    October 23, 1991. Wednesday - Picked up pump parts @ Nugent and Potter.Picked up 4, 2"x4"x16'; 2, 2"x4"x10' and 1 sheet of 1/4" plywood for boxing in truss. Stained plywood. Put up 2x4's for box framing. Continued work on boxing in truss. Cleaned up/swept scaffolding and concial tables. 9:00 - 5:00. 1.5 hr. lunch.

    October 24, 1991. Diane's Birthday. Thursday - Cutting plywood out of a 10'x4'x8' piece that we had in hatchery. Nailed pieces in place with much frustration. BADN KARMA DAY. Continued work on figerglass ceiling. Talked about plan for continuing fiberglass. Need to call Riverhead Bldg. about "white steel" corrugated fiberglass sheets for green houses. 2' x 10' prices. 9:00 - 5:00. 3.4 hr. lunch.

    October 25, 1991. Friday - Kurt's Wedding (my friend and room mate from Penn State University) Bensalem, PA. Scalloping w/ Jenn and Rick at Northwest Harbor in morning.

  57. October 28, 1991. Monday - Stopped by Riverhead Bldg. to find out price for glass steel. Worked on fiberglass sheets cutting. Cut two sheets for horizontal ceiling. Worked w/ Sue in p.m. to determine how shellfish would be divided between harbors. 9:00 - 4:30. 45 min. lunch.

    October 29, 1991. Tuesday - Talked about plan for distributing shellfish. Cut wood to tack up to 2" x 6" rafters for north side of fiberglass ceiling. 9:00 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    October 30, 1991. Wednesday - Fresh water rinsed and took 1 h.p. pump and 5 h.p. pumps out of pump house. Worked on tacking up wood to catch fiberglass sheets around truss. Talked about space plan for conicals and set tanks and set tank stand problems. 9:00 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    October 31, 1991. Thursday - Clean up from storm w/ no name. Dug out discharge ring. Made trench to water. Ran gas pump. Hooked up 1 h.p. pump. Took 1 h.p. pump back to building and rinsed w/ fresh H2O. Screwed pieces of wood up to rafter for fiberglass. 10:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    November 1, 1991. Friday - Drained and rinsed upwelling tanks and refilling using gas pump then switched to 1 h.p. pump after brushing probe. Forgot to divert H2O. Dead water from pump to probe went into tanks. Made cover for hole in boiler room wall. Rinsed and coiled up flexible line from dock. Brought gas pump back to building and rinsed. 9:00 - 4:45. 1 hr. lunch w/ Aaron Kurtzman (friend who also graduated from Southampton College).

  58. November 4, 1991. Monday - Picked up 23 cages clams and 1 tray oysters from L.M. Took 6 upwellers and seeded all into T.M.H. 9:30 - 4:30. No lunch.

    November 5, 1991. Tuesday - Picked up 20 cages clams, 1 cage oysters from L.M.. Took 47 nets (all) from dock and put into burlap bags for seeding into Hog Creek and Georgica. Rinsed Pearl nets. 6 upwellers: 3 for Hog Creek, 3 for Northwest Ck. 10:00 - 4:30. No lunch

    November 6, 1991. Wednesday - Seeded clams and oysters into Hog Creek using the Hbr Master's boat from T.M.H. Took oysters to Georgica. Met w/ Jim McCaffrey (East Hampton Trustee), used his boat to seed around point from Cedar tree to driftwood nailed to tree. Met Kevin (Maeir) and Jim Finch @ NWC to seed out clams. Helped Dee Dee from Cornell Co-op Extension get H2O samples as we seeded out clams. 8:30 - 2:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    November 7, 1991. Thursday - Picked up 40 trays from L.M. for seeding in Accabonac. COLD! Put contents of trays into buckets. Took 12 upwellers of clams and put into buckets, cleaned upwellers. Wrote "thank you" letter to Dorothea Elkon for picnic table. (She was a Fountain Head Construction client who had a table she wanted to give away.)

    November 8, 1991. Friday. Met at Gann Rd. Worked w/ Sue and Jim Finch to get Privateer started. Took boat w/ Kevin's truck to Accabonac. Sue and John seeded clams while I drove to MTK to get totes, waders, etc. for our excursion to Napeague. Helped seed around S. point of houses on Gerard Dr., between Wood Tick Island and marsh grass island and north. Went to Napeague icked up ~47 nets of B oysters and ~32 nets of A. oysters. Drove back to Gann Rd. Sue cleaned boat. John and I drove oysters out to MTK and put into pond. 8:30 - 6:00. 45 min. lunch.

  59. November 11, 1991. Monday - Sue and I took pearl nets in pond into hatchery; removed oysters and divided into NY State portion and L.M. portion. Put portions in tanks E and EE. H2O temp = 10 C.

    November 12, 1991. Tuesday - John and I met Sue and Jim Finch at Napeague. Strong NW winds scratched our plans to remove remaining pearl nets. Sue and John went home. I went to hatchery. Scrubbed probe, checked boiler release valve. Put up 2 pieces of white fiberglass to shade algae in lab from p.m. sun. Made cover for hatchery trough on outside of building - similar to cover for upwelling nursery. 9:00 - 4:45. 1 hr. lunch.

    November 13, 1991. Wednesday - Sue, John and I met Jim Finch @ NAP. Took remaining oysters and gear out and returned to hatchery. P.U. State's portion of clams from L.M. ~18 trays. State's portion of clams into buckets and oysters into burlap bags (8) for State seeding Thursday. 9:00 - 5:00. No lunch.

    November 14, 1991. Thursday - Met at John's. Dropped State's shellfish off at Gann Rd. J and I to L.M. to p/u 40 trays of clams for Napeague seeding + 10 upwellers. John took clams to for Sue and Bill to seed in Napeague. John, Tom Rhule (East Hampton Town Board member) and I seeding out burlaped oysters from tank E into L.M. seeded around Little Reed Pond outflow and ridge from roughly Anchorage to Danger Buoy. Humped trays onto truck.... 9:00 - 5:00. No lunch.

    November 15, 1991. Friday - S, J, and I to L.M. to p/u remaining trays of clams. Took 27 trays back to hatchery. Packed up 10 upwellers. Seeding clams w/ Tom Rhule in L.M. around Little Reed Pond, ridges from Osborne Is. to danger buoy and from danger buoy to roughly point s. of Anchorage. 19 trays to hatchery. Quick clean up. 9:00 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

  60. November 18, 1991. Monday - Brushed probe. took 63 nets out of pond. Emptied them of oysters. Cleaned nets. 9:00 - 4:30. 15 min. lunch.

    November 19, 1991. Tuesday - Emptied remainder of pearl nets, 48, into upwelling tanks. Loaded oysters from upwelling tanks into burlap bags, and on to truck. 10:00 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    November 20, 1991. Wednesday - Seeding oysters into Napeague along S. side of Hick's Island from grass point on marsh to clump of trees. Back to hatchery. Cleaned 4 upweller tanks and 40 upwellers w/ oxalic acid. 8:00 - 4:00. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    November 21, 1991. Thursday - Cleaning upwellers, tanks and troughs. Engraved mesh size on handles of unmarked upwellers. Cleaned barnacles off field-grow out buoys. Checked boat at noon. Dug hole to expose pipes coming in to pump pit from building. 9:00 - 4:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    November 22, 1991. Friday - Took probe for 5 h.p. pump out. Unscrewed flex lines at both end of 3" line on dock. Pulled line off dock. Cleaned probe and flex lines. Shut off outside H2O for one spigot. Looked for caps for 3" line. Started to winterize gas pump. No "Store and Start" or caps at hdwr store. 10:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

  61. November 25, 1991. Monday - Nugent and Potter to p/u 3, 3" plugs for 3" intake line. RVHD building to pick up 2 pieces sheetrock. Put piece of sheetrock up in boiler room Put insulation back in place. Took AC out of algae room. Cleaned AC fan and housing. Made plastic cover for housing and piece of plywood in opening of housing. Scrubbed probe and basket in 1 h.p. pump. Wired light for algae culture in lab. Checked boat. 9:00 - 6:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    November 26, 1991. Tuesday - Talked to John about Peconic Bays Task Force meeting and trimming out boiler room doors. Checked pump and boat. Put "Stor and Start" in gas pump ran for a few minutes and rinsed w/ fresh H2O. Worked on trimming boiler room doors. Made plan for fiberglass ceiling over modine (heater) in hatchery, started to execute plan.

    November 27, 1991. Wednesday - Finished trimming out boiler room doors. Talked w/ John about plan for using fiberglass sheets and completing area between ceiling and wall. 6 hours.

    November 29, 1991. Friday- Took day off in PA for Thanksgiving.

  62. December 2, 1991. Monday - Sue helped me shoot supports into wall for north side fiberglass ceiling. Put 4 sheets of glass steel into place around truss Checked boat. Stored remaining vexar liners in cages outside. Tidal upweller no longer filled w/ liners! Waterfront Advisory Committee Meeting @ Town Hall. Discussing uses of waterfront zone. 9:00 - 6:00. 1/2 hr. lunch. 7:30 - 9:45.

    December 3, 1991. Tuesday - Cut 14" pieces of glass steel to fill in between ceiling and wall. Began plywood cover for boiler room doors. Cut angled pieces for top of 2"x6" to receive 14" pieces of glass steel. Hand sawed supports for salt H2O lines so they would not obstruct glass steel. 9:00 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    December 4, 1991. Wednesday - Windy day. Cut plywood for boiler room doors. Turned off pump due to low flow. Scrubbed probe. Lost prime had to fill line w/ fresh H2O to prime. Got started. Fitted plywood into place. Plugged in Frostex. Turned off pump. Plugged, temporarily, trough outlets. Turned on pump. Checked boat. Cold night. 10:00 - 5:30. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    December 5, 1991. Thursday - Salter's: Blowing and vacuming leaves from area of last three cottages on back row. 8:30 - 4:30. 1.25 hr. lunch.

    December 6, 1991. Friday - Town Hall. Helped set up bulletin board. Listened to John make year-end report of seeding to Town Board. 9:00 - 11:30. Hatchery - changed probe. Broke one handle of quick release but is still operable. Talked to Billy Joel about helping us seed remaining 4 bushes of oysters. (Didn't recognize him at first when he walked in.) Cut rigid insulation for inside of plywood that will cover boiler room doors. Stained edges and inside edge of plywood. Put plywood up and stained outside. Drained oyster tanks and cleaned out layer of sand 2 -3" thick in each. Disassembled probe. 12:00 - 6:30. 15 min. lunch.

  63. December 9, 1991. Monday, Salter's: Finished leaves. Put shutters on Deutsche's windows next door. 8:00 - 4:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    December 10, 1991. Tuesday - Worked w/ John on moving Tony's electric box. Drained 4" line and took out plugs in pits. Backflushed. Moved our circuit box. Cleaned and lubricated Tony's box before reinstalling. Dug around metal grate/table buried under sand by outflow - moved to concrete pad. Took stainless monster probe up to hatchery. Plan to remove 6" P.V.C. fittings to make another P.V.C. slotted probe. 10:00 - 5:30. 15 min. lunch. 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Town Hall, East Hampton Trustees presentation of seeding.

    December 11, 1991. Wednesday - Talked to Lester Ross (Town Electrician) about flexible conduit for Tony's box in pump house. Ordered Carlflex line and fittings from REVCO. Cut 4" line at pump house; let drain and covered w/ cap temporarily. Removed flexible line from 4" line at "Y" I pit near building, took off reducing bushings and installed a plug temporarily. Removed 4" flexible line from pump pit. Cleaned flexible lines inside hatchery. Cleaned probe. Glued rigid insulation to inside of plywood outside boiler room door. Swept up in boiler room. Moved 5 h.p. pumps into lobby. P.U. pine bark mulch for L.J. to put around trees she was transplanting. 9:45 - 4:45. 45 min. lunch.

    December 12, 1991. Thursday - p/u electrical stuff from T.H. Ran wires through Carlflex in pump house. Talked about set tank stand and how it should look. Sorted pearl nets into 4 sizes. Put damaged nets to one side. Picked tube worms and oysters off inside and outside of nets. (This was a major problem, we learned of growing oysters in pearl nets.)10:00 - 5:15. 1/2 hr. lunch.

    December 13, 1991. Friday - Rainy day. Made tracings of 7 seeding maps for 1987, 1989 to complete our files and made copies for Trustees to complete their files. Made copy for 1992 to fill in next fall. Went through files to rearrange and simplify. Cleaned union and check valve for probe. 9:30 - 5:30. 1 hr. lunch.

  64. December 16, 1991. Monday - Windy day. Checked boat. Worked on simplifying files further. Got rid of doubles and old catalogs from suppliers. Turned pump on after priming line. Drained upweller tanks. Cleaned out sand. Turned pump off at end of day. Collected and took to dump recyclables and some garbage. Picked up coup from Tony's and took home w/ 2 oldest chickens. (Dr. D'Agostino kept chickens at his home in Montauk, a very posh neighborhood overlooking Fort Pond Bay. Ever the scientist, he'd put a window in fertilized eggs and keep them in an incubator to observe their development until the eggs hatched. He was also open to groups touring his "Blue Lobster Project and associated lab.) 10:00 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    December 17, 1991. Tuesday - Turned pump on in a.m. after priming. Check valve not checking because I installed w/ out noticing proper orientation of valve. Pulled up probe and reoriented. Dock somewhat iced over. Put second probe back together. Caulking w/ black jack inside N. wall where roof meets wall. Cold air coming in through cracks. Turned off pump. Set up tanks as they would be in new stand. 9:30 - 4:30. 1 hr. lunch.

    December 18, 1991. Wednesday - Buckets of rubble near housing complex to fill in wall on North side of hatchery. More black jack for seams. Cleanup in hatchery area. John mortaring over filled in holes in wall. Checked on boat. Ran engine for ~45 min. Starting to feel sick.

    December 19, 1991. Thursday - Trip to Riverhead Bldg Supply for black jack, tape measure and to order sheets of glass steel. Black jack areas above wall where air still coming in. Moved cinder blocks and old sets outside. Finished cleaning up hatchery area. Yaked. Worked on wiring immersion heater.

    December 20, 1991. Friday - Sick. No work. Away for December 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 but put in time card (7 hrs. each day) to make up for summer over hours. (Since I was a part-time employee, contractor making $10/hour, I could not work over a certain number of hours. John allowed me to take off extra time that I worked during "the season" this way.

  65. January 2, 1992. Thursday - 1st day back. 7 hours.

    January 3, 1992. Friday - p/u wood for set tank stands. Cutting 4 x 4's for legs of stands. Staked wood for air drying.

    January 6, 1992. Monday - Laid out 1 set tank stand. Marked for three dowels per piece. Began cutting dowel holes. 9:30 - 5:00. 1 hr. lunch.

    January 7, 1992. Tuesday - Finished dowel holes, began notching legs. Laid out two frames for 2nd stand. Went to boat and ran engine. 9:00 - 5:30.

    January 8, 1992. Wednesday - B.J. to come and seed. No show. Rescheduled for next week. Jeff (Havlik) helped me set up third frame. Started drilling holes in second frame. John helped me set up cross frames for second stand. Drilled dowel holes for rest of stand. Cut notches in legs for second stand. 9:00 - 6:30. Planning Board meeting presentation of waterfront policies. 7:00 - 8:15.

    January 9, 1992. Thursday - Glued up 4 frames. 9:00 - 5:00.

    January 10, 1992. Friday - Glued up remaining two frames. Chiseled glue off previous day's four frames. Put together blocks and planks for pipe intake into pump house. 7 hrs.

    (This is the end of entries in my work journal. Thanks to ~$25,000 donation from the "Back at the Ranch" concert in the summer of 1991, to the East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery, I was hired full-time at the hatchery as Bay Management Specialist I, having taken and passed that N.Y. State Civil Service test in 1990. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Billy Joel, Paul Simon, the members of their bands, other artists who performed and all the people who allowed me to realize my dream of growing shellfish. I am especially indebted to John Aldred who went to bat for me on so many occasions and was so accommodating, providing me work on his cottage, allowing me to work at the hatchery around my schedule while I took education classes and student taught plus putting up with my overly sensitive personality. Brings tears to my eyes now as I write this on 2/1/2014 thinking I have not thanked John enough for his consideration and kindness.)
